Why do women hate women who are more beautiful than themselves?

Have you ever wondered why women hate each other? No one really talks about this issue, but jealousy is one of the main reasons women are unable to get along. Maybe this article will be criticized.

Before I discuss why women hate each other, I must say that this article is only a research paper.

Why do women hate each other?

Women will compete on social levels, and others will usually determine their criteria for winning, and the results will be highly personal and intangible. Characteristics usually judge women they have no control over, such as something they didn’t create and something outside of them, like their appearance. Their success is based on subjective, passionate, and superficial crediting of others. He cannot bear the fact that he cannot defeat his rival because nothing is in the hands of any of them or others. But how can you be more beautiful than other women when the decision is based on the opinion of others and based on their view of beauty?

How can we change other people’s personal preferences and interests about a certain body or shape, eye color, or hair color? How many people does it take to say we are beautiful to believe it? Women compete with each other to get men’s attention and act as if these attentions and compliments boost their self-confidence and self-esteem. Women try to dress more attractively than others and make a more beautiful body.

Women are so involved in getting men’s attention that they don’t have the psychological insight, thinking, and feeling to change the social environment, which causes their self-confidence to drop. Women think that men are promiscuous, unfaithful, liars, and cheaters in their sexual relationships, but what most women want to know is that research shows that men are more likely to have sex with their spouse’s best friend, family, or in-laws. whom he loves and respects, have sex. One of the reasons why men are successful in cheating is that women allow them because they are competing with each other.

Women believe that they are better than other women if they look better. In an advertisement for a diet pill, a woman said that I am now much thinner than the woman my husband left me for. This sentence makes us think that she thinks that her husband has the right to leave her because of her obesity. Her weight loss goal is to be thinner than the woman her husband left her for. Instead of thinking about his wife’s betrayal, he competed with the other woman. The woman’s goal in losing weight was not to improve her health or boost her self-confidence but to become thinner than her competition.

This ad tells women that to have the love and loyalty of their husbands, they must be in a certain shape. It doesn’t matter if you cook for him, raise his kids, and support his dreams and ambitions; the most important thing in a relationship is having the physical charm to keep your husband at home. Have it or not? There is an idea that it is very natural for a man to cheat on his wife when he is no longer sexually attracted to her. Many women believe that if they are not attractive enough, it is okay if their husband cheats on them, and they give him the right.

A woman’s view of individual value is formed outside of herself and in the minds of others, affecting her inner view of her value as a human being. Women indirectly compete with other women because they have not learned to recognize their desires, feelings, and goals as physical and tangible realities. When women learn that they cannot live instead of their children and husbands, they stop hating each other and focus on their own special and unique talents and characteristics.

Why do women hate each other?

1- Women feel that their best biological time is limited, and a younger and more beautiful woman can easily replace them.
2- Women think that other women control their husband’s sexual fidelity.
3- Women think that the degree of their beauty depends on luck and not something under their control.
4- Women think that other women can take what they have worked so hard to get by using their beauty because men will be charmed by their beauty.
5- Women think that other women are not trustworthy. They backbite a lot, are two-faced, and steal your man in front of you.
6- Women think that other women steal the attention of others.
7- Psychologically, women compete with other women to look more attractive.
8- Women unconsciously think that if they look like another woman, they can get her life, jewels, and husband, and people look at her with the same admiration.
Points to think about:

You can never make your man not look at other women or admire them. Do you think another woman has a higher human value than you because she is more beautiful?
You are more than your body. See what unique talents and skills you have.
What others think about you is not in your hands. Once you accept that you have no control over what other people think of you, you can shape your life the way you want.

We cannot compete with anyone but ourselves.
The only person we have control over is ourselves. Let’s create what we look for in others in ourselves. It is not necessary to become a doctor to marry a doctor. We are the most important people in the whole world, and we should know our inner and outer beauty. Why should someone love and respect us more than we love and respect ourselves?





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