Why can’t I attract the spouse I want?

Attract the ideal spouse.
Today, we want to examine the process of attracting a spouse and how to attract an ideal spouse.

When you learn to be happy and realize that according to the law of attraction, everything you attract depends on your feelings and thoughts, you will look for things to keep you feeling good.

So far, everything is going well, but when you worry about finding a spouse, keep thinking about where to find the ideal spouse, and, worst of all, keep thinking that the time for my marriage is running out, this worry will cause you not to find your ideal partner.

You have a task if you are looking to find an ideal spouse or are without a spouse. It would help if you had thoughts about your relationship that make you feel good. If you emit the vibration of lateness and worry, you close the door to the ideal mate. Your ideal spouse is not meant to be created. He is there and waiting for you; you have to respond to his invitation. how feeling good

Focus on what I want in my relationship
You need to ignore the spouse’s absence, or if you are not in a good relationship, ignore it. Is it hard? Yes, it seems difficult at first, but after a while, it is the easiest thing in the world. You don’t have to live in the world you have; you have to live in the world you want.

This is the sensitive part of this matter. You must send out a higher vibration of what you want than what you are and what you have, and when you do that, a bridge will open in front of you from what you have and what you are to your utopia.

Focus means attention
We sometimes think of yoga when discussing concentration, but any attention is considered concentration. Why do we often not have good relationships? Because our attention is on relationships that are not good. We see betrayal in newspapers, television, and the world around us. We know the family court is crowded. Our cousin is upset about his relationship, but he stops there.

There are better ways. Turn off the TV. Don’t read the accident section of the newspapers. Instead of shedding tears at your cousin’s feet, try to change his feelings immediately. Build good relationships in your mind.

The law of attraction cannot bring you a very happy and good person and a beautiful relationship when you are focused day and night on the opposite of this relationship.

Esther Hicks says, “People are often eager to find their spouse very soon, even though they don’t feel good about themselves right now. They even believe finding a partner is a way to feel better about themselves. However, the law of attraction cannot bring someone into your life who will admire you when you do not admire yourself.

You cannot change anything from the outside. We have heard many times that the outer world is a mirror of our inner world. Aren’t you happy? Don’t you feel attractive? No one can make you feel that way. You cultivate this feeling within yourself, and then people stamp your approval.

What should I do now?
I hear this question a lot. Now, I want to give the most complete answer to it.

1- Reduce your sadness about not having an ideal spouse right now. Don’t think about it at all. Think about the beautiful things you have. The brain can only focus on one thing at a time. In this way, by thinking positively, you will not allow negative thoughts.

2- Enjoy your current life as much as possible. Enjoyment attracts more enjoyment.

3 – Make a list of good things and praise yourself. This will increase your self-confidence, which is the basis of everything. Don’t expect much from life’s events if you lack it.

Your ideal spouse come as soon as you follow these three things. I cannot give an exact time. A week? Maybe a month? Again, maybe, but the important thing is that you should enjoy life first, and this enjoyment should not be dependent on the presence of your spouse so that your ideal spouse enters your life. Again, I emphasize that your ideal match does exist, and it doesn’t have to come from the sky; it just has to come into your life.

You deserve the best. God loves us very much. We prevent blessings from entering our lives.





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