What behaviors do successful people have in their parents?

The role of parents in making successful people

Family, as the first institution in which a person grows, has a significant effect on delivering successful people in society.

The family is the first community where children learn the necessary skills. The first role models they see are their parents. Therefore, the characteristics of parents have the greatest influence on success and lack it in children. Learn about the characteristics of parents of successful children below:

They give work and responsibility to their children.

Children who help parents well at home will become employees who show better cooperation with others in the future because they are both responsible and able to tolerate and manage conflicts between team members.

By cleaning their room or clothes, they understand that to be a part of this world, they must be able to do the smallest things.

They learn social skills.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania studied 700 people and found a deep relationship between their social skills in childhood and their success two decades later. Those who had poor social skills were arrested for delinquency or did not achieve good social positions.

These skills determine children’s future, whether they get a decent job or end up in prison.

They are forward-looking.

Parents who envision a university or a good job for their children in the future do their best to make it come true. In a study conducted by the University of California on 6,600 children, it was determined that 57% of the children who did not enter university were those whose parents did not expect anything from them, while 96% of the successful students were those whose parents, from childhood, wanted them to be successful. They have tried to get into university.

are compatible with each other

Healthy families deliver more successful children to society than unhealthy families. Research from the University of Illinois (located in the United States) has shown that parental conflicts after divorce affect children much more than before. Also, the impact of the problems caused by visiting one of the parents who does not have custody of the child is more than that of not visiting the child at all.

In another research, it has been shown that even ten years after the divorce, the child still suffers from the separation of his parents.

They solve problems well.

When the children notice the problem between their parents and see that they solve it well, they are much happier than when they do not see any problem. Their minds are relieved from the ability to solve their parents’ problems. As adults, these children gain self-confidence and high social relations because they have already seen the solution to problems.

They have a university education.

The University of Michigan found in a study that the mother’s education affects the child. In a study covering 14,000 children, mothers under 18 who had also dropped out of school failed to raise successful children compared to educated mothers.

Before starting school, the child is taught math.

Children who learn the order of numbers and other mathematical concepts before going to school show excellent results in mathematics and understanding other subjects. If math lesson problems are accompanied by fun, it will not only be very attractive to the child, but it will also make his brain work.

They establish a good relationship with their child.

Research conducted on 243 people has shown that children who received very good mental health care in the first three years of life were more successful not only in school tests but also in relationships in their 30s. Their childhood upbringing has an impact even when they have children themselves, and they deliver better children to society.

Family plays an important role in completing the success of adults.

Working mothers are always worried about the few hours they can devote to bonding with their children. Research has shown that the quality of a mother’s presence is more effective than the number of hours. Just as the sadness and happiness of a friend are transferred to a person, the mental-psychological condition and worry of the parents also cause the child’s discomfort. The effort is more important to them than the result.

According to Stanford University psychologists, children’s and adults’ vision of success is one of two ways:

Fixed way of thinking: Some consider their success to be a result of inherited personality, moral, or intelligence characteristics that can never be changed.

Upward thinking: Some see their success as the result of expanding their abilities and capabilities or the lessons they have learned from failure.

Based on this, if a child is told that his success is due to his inherited intelligence, it will instill a fixed way of thinking, and if it is said that it is due to his efforts, he will have an ascending way of thinking. The second way of thinking is the best.

They have a great social and economic position

A fifth of American children who grow up in poverty do not have the opportunity to develop their talents. The class gap between low-income and high-income families affects children’s future growth by 30-40%. They are reliable, not picky or picky.

There are three types of families:

Easy: whatever the child says, the parents accept.

Strict: parents try to shape the child according to their framework.

Reliable: parents guide and guide the child in the right direction.

The best kind is trustworthy because the child learns to respect and never think something is being forced upon him.

They learn to be strong.

The most powerful success factor of successful people is their resistance. Parents should teach their children to imagine their future, set goals, and remain stable on the way to achieving them.

They choose a good name.

Research has shown that a name can affect a person, from employment to personal habits.

Names that are easy to pronounce and meaningful affect the child’s personality and access to opportunities.

The relationship between parents and children

Parents are important to their children because they care about healthy food.

Correct eating habits and the type of food parents choose can affect a child’s physical and mental health. Therefore, successful parents are always sensitive when choosing their children’s food.



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