The secret of the miracle happening 5 – reaching the dream

A person who doesn’t have a goal to achieve his dreams is somehow dead. He doesn’t have excitement; he’s motionless.

This person has no motivation to live; he is lethargic, his hands and heart are not used, he has hidden depression, and maybe he is not aware of this issue.

Now, if you support the law of attraction in nature and believe in it, it is better to practice making wishes and dreaming every day and every week because creating a dream brings you joy so that the child in you gets to work and creative ideas.

All people can live with their dreams if they use these secrets.

Most people are trying to understand their role in the creation process. And what is the role of the world around them?

The answer is that the creation process is a three-stage process.

In the first step, we should think about our dreams.

For example, let’s buy a house for a while. Let’s get into it. Let’s change the decoration and look out of the window. We must first ask and demand to achieve our dreams and even our beliefs. There is no need to speak and say words to ask because the universe does not have a phone to hear our words.

The second step is to answer.

Now it’s time to answer your request, and this time, the world will do it for you. All the forces of the universe respond to the thoughts that you create. When you align yourself with the universe, nothing will happen. You will witness the secrets and miracles of life and living, and you will see that reaching your goal is no longer a dream for you.

The third step is receiving.

It means aligning yourself with what you are asking for. When you are aligned with what you want, you feel great, which is passion. It is the same as knowing something. These are your feelings and emotions.

But when you feel despair, fear, or anger, these are powerful signs that you are not aligned with what you really want right now.

So when you start to understand that everything depends on what you feel and you start to move your thoughts based on the feeling they give you, you will gradually find the right feeling, and that’s when you will know you have become that one, and now it must appear in your life.

When you make this dream a reality, with the law of attraction, you will be able to create bigger and better dreams, which is the process of creation.

If this is the first time you are thinking about this dream, there is no obstacle. However, if you have had this dream before and have not yet achieved it, in order to achieve success, you should ask yourself what caused this failure. So, either participate in skill training courses to achieve your goal or get help from those who have reached the same goal as you today.


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