The Secret of Miracles 4 – the law of attraction

According to the law of attraction, the better we feel, the better our direction, and the worse we feel, the more wrong our direction.

As we move through our various daily experiences, we generate thoughts (positive thoughts, negative thoughts) that actually plan our future experiences. From the emotion that Are we able to say whether the things we are moving towards will make us happy when we get them or not?!

And precisely what we feel is happening to us and not what we think!

This is why if someone wakes up in the morning with a frown and sadness, the whole day will go on like this, waiting for a fight or an argument, and in the end, he will have a dull day.

We don’t even think a simple change in our emotions can change the whole day.

If we start a good day with happiness and have a good and stable feeling, as long as we don’t let anything change our mood, according to the law of attraction, we will attract situations and people who will continue that good feeling.

Good days, bad days, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer… these are all because of the things these people feel often and continuously.

Right now, we can begin to feel healthy, to feel new, to feel wealth, to feel the love that surrounds you, to feel good even though it’s not there, and what happens. The universe will respond to the song of your being, to the nature of that inner feeling, and it will manifest because you feel that way.

What you focus on with your thoughts and feelings is what you attract to your life, whether it is what you want or not! (law of attraction)

What we think, feel, and emerge are always the same. It’s always hard to accept without exception, but when we can set ourselves free from it, the consequences are lovely, meaning that whatever we Think has done in our lives can be reversed by changing our consciousness!

It is very important that you feel good or have a good mood because this good feeling is sent as a signal to the whole world, and it begins to attract its likeness to you. So, the more you feel good about life, the more you can attract things that make you feel good and can continue to lift you higher and higher.

When you feel like a failure, do you know you can change it quickly?!

Just listen to some beautiful music, sing a song—it changes our body—or think of something beautiful. Think of a baby or someone we love and stop at that. Really hold that thought in your mind, and anything else—throw it out!

And when we get used to this way and way when we start to guide our thoughts based on how they make us feel, and when we start to pay attention to the relationship between our feelings and our thoughts and the things that happen to us. It happens; sooner than we think, we will see that we are the creator of our own life, and those who visit us from afar will be surprised to see our complete and unique life.


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