The secret of miracles 2 – the law of attraction

When you look at something you want and respond positively to it, you are activating a thought in your mind, and the law of attraction responds to that thought and brings you similar things, but when you look at something that you don’t want, and you cry out against it, you don’t push it back. Instead, you activate the exact thought of what you don’t like, and now the law of attraction of things. It puts such things in your way.

The law of attraction of the universe is based on gravity; everything ends in gravity. The law of attraction is always active, whether you understand it and believe it or not.

You may be thinking about your past, present, or future, but whether you remember, see, or imagine, you are activating your thoughts, and the law of attraction, which is the most powerful law in the universe, is on your mind. will answer

The law of attraction says that whatever you say, think, and focus on, we will give you. So, if you’re complaining about something being wrong, you’re creating more of that feeling.

Take your focus off the things you don’t want, the things you fear, the things you avoid, and give them to the things you want.

We can be positive in our views and tendencies and tend to attract positive people and positive situations; when we are negative in our tendencies or angry or aggressive, in this case, we will tend to attract negative, angry people and angry and negative situations.

What you attract to yourself are the prominent and dominant thoughts in your mind; whether these thoughts are conscious or unconscious, this is the law.

The law of attraction is illustrated in your society when we see that the one who talks more about illness is sick himself or when we see that the one who talks more about wealth is rich. The law of attraction is everywhere around you; you just have to know it.

Everything you experience is because of this powerful law of attraction


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