The secret of attracting wealth.

What is the law of attraction of wealth?

In the law of attraction, it doesn’t matter what your job is. If you apply these rules, you will reach growth in wealth beyond what you can think of now.
How to get rich? One of the rules of wealth is to either love what you do or do what you love. Your good sense will multiply your efficiency. Be able to implement good ideas in your business and present ideas in the best possible way. The idea comes to you when you have your work in your heart and love it. If there is no love in your work, there is no energy and motivation.

Another law of attracting wealth, and I believe there is no faster way to attract wealth, is to be grateful for every penny that comes into your life. Those who are not thankful have the worst financial situation.

You should thank God for every single penny that comes into your life. Thank God for each transaction you make and profit from. Thank God if you buy something cheap. Thank God if you receive a gift. And really, thank God from the bottom of your heart.

If you want money to enter your life, you must love money. Cash is charming, but what sometimes keeps us away from it is not liking it. We do not like money in the lower layers of our brain, which makes us unable to get money.

Are you using the law of attraction for wealth?
How do you feel about money? Most people say they love money, but they don’t feel good about it if they don’t have enough. If someone has all the money they need, they feel good about money.

If you look at the world around you, you will see that most people do not feel good about money because most of the money and wealth in the world is in the hands of about 10% of the people. The only difference between the rich and the rest is that they show more good feelings about money than bad feelings. It is as simple as that: This is the attraction of wealth.

Why does the law of attraction of wealth not work?
Most people feel bad about money because they have negative beliefs about it, and those negative beliefs were fed into their subconscious minds when they were children. Ideas like “dirty money,” “money brings corruption,” “rich people are not honest,” “wanting money is not spiritual,” and…

As a child, you accept whatever your parents, teachers, or society say. And so, without realizing it, you grow up with negative feelings about money.

“When you realize there is no shortage, the world is yours.”
Lao Tzu

Stick the money to yourself
When you don’t feel good about money, you throw it away. In this case, it will never stick to you. Even when the extra money you didn’t expect arrives, you realize it’s gone in the blink of an eye. More enormous bills come to you, things break down, and all kinds of unforeseen circumstances happen; all of them work together to empty your pocket and take money out of your hands.

So, what makes money last? Love! Love is the attractive force that brings money, and that same love is the force that makes money stick.

The fast way to the law of attraction of wealth
If you don’t have much money, getting bills won’t make you feel good. But the moment you react negatively to a large bill, you’re giving off bad feelings and will get more enormous bills.

What you give is what you get. The most important thing is to find a way, any way, to feel good when you pay your bills. Never pay your bills when you don’t feel good because you will only attract more enormous bills.

To change how you feel, you need to use your imagination and transform your bills into something that makes you feel better. Imagine that they’re not bills; instead, you’ve decided to pay a company or person out of kindness for their excellent service.

“You are rewarded not according to your work or your time but the amount of your love.”
Saint Catherine

Worry and wealth
Most people feel bad when they get paid even then because they worry about how they will make their paycheck last until the end of the month. They miss an incredible opportunity to give love every time they get paid. When you get some money, no matter how small, be grateful! Remember, whatever you are thankful for will multiply. Don’t waste your wealth with worry.

Always use the law of attraction of wealth.

Use every moment you deal with money to multiply money by having a good feeling. Feel the love when you pay to get wealth with the law of attraction.

Wealth attraction game
You can play this game to feel good about money whenever you deal with it. Take a $1 bill with the positive side on the front and the negative side on the back. Every time you receive money, deliberately turn it so that it faces you and remind yourself that you are in the game of attracting wealth, and you should feel good about a lot of money.

When you pay for something, when you give your money or card, imagine and pray for the blessing and abundance of money for the person who receives it. Whatever you give, you will receive.

Be happy that others have attracted wealth.

Remember, whenever you hear someone is making more money or having success, get excited because it means you’re on the same wavelength! This is a sign that you are on a suitable wavelength, so get excited as if it happened to you because your reaction to the news matters. If you respond with joy and excitement for another person, you are responding positively to more money and success for yourself.

Mrs. Esther Hicks’ Abundance Game Practice
Ms. Esther Hicks introduces abundant play practice. This exercise is to get your mind used to having wealth. When you spend money with your mind, it makes your mind rich.

This game is briefly as follows:

A lot of game practice says that you take a piece of paper on the first day, imagine that they gave you 1000 dollars, and you have to spend this money by the end of the night. Think that they gave you this money. When you think that they have given you this money and you have to spend it by the end of the night, two things come to mind:

In the first case, you have to spend. This means that you can never put this money aside to spend tomorrow. For example, say that I have spent $900 out of $1000 and will spend the remaining $100 tomorrow. Because if we don’t spend, they will take back the remaining money from us at the end of the night.

The second thing is that we should buy the best stuff that makes us feel good with that money. What would we do with it if they gave us that 1000 dollars?

You must spend 1000 dollars on the first day, 2000 dollars on the second day, 3000 dollars on the third day, and so on to practice the game.

A common mistake people make when practicing the game is that their spending money needs to be more accurate. For example, someone who had 20,000 money said that he would give this money to my mother.

In response to this, dear friend, it should be said: If they give you 200,000 right now, will you give it to your mother?! He said: Only 20,000 dollars? The guide replied: Yes. That person said: I will not give it.

The law of attraction guide says in connection with the law of attracting wealth through the practice of the game of abundance: Suppose you were given 20,000 dollars today, and the extra money is taken from you at night; the extra money you have not been able to spend. That’s it …

What do you do with that money? Go and do the same things with that money.

Remember, based on these points, if you think about wealth and feel it, you will attract it, and if you think about misfortunes, you will attract the same.

attract wealth

If you are one of those people who don’t have enough money in life, most of your thoughts are probably related to lack of funds. You may think differently about having money or picture poverty in your mind. Still, you are very worried about money. From the bottom of your being, whenever you want to do something, you first consider your financial conditions, and from there, you are constantly dealing with the problem of lack of money; unconsciously, your mind turns towards the lack of funds. This point makes it difficult to attract wealth.

Therefore, you must do the opposite to smooth the flow of attracting wealth into your life. For this purpose, you can do the following.

1- Imagine that you need too much money.

2- Then imagine that you are spending more money than you need.

3- Feel the joy of having money and wealth and wasting it with all your being.

Remember that the mind does not know the difference between memories and imagination. Therefore, to attract wealth, you should always visualize having a lot of money and wealth and fantasizing about whatever you like.





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