The science of getting rich – chapter one

No matter how much praise is given in praise of poverty, the truth remains that it is impossible to live a whole and prosperous life without acquiring wealth. A human can only reach the highest level of spiritual development or flourishing of his talents with much money. Man needs facilities for his spiritual growth and the flourishing of his abilities, which he cannot provide without cash. Human society is organized so that these facilities can only be owned and used through money. Therefore, the science of wealth accumulation can be considered as the basis of all human progress. The purpose of life is to grow and develop, and every living being has the right to build their capabilities as much as possible. The right to life in man means that he has the right to freely and unlimitedly use all possible facilities for physical, spiritual, and mental growth; in other words, he has the right to be rich. The concept of wealth in this book is not metaphorical. The true meaning of being rich is not contentment with little. Anyone who can use and enjoy more facilities should not be satisfied with less. The purpose of nature’s creation is the flourishing and development of life, and every human being should be able to possess everything related to the power of glory, beauty, and a fruitful and prosperous life.

A rich person has all the necessary facilities for a fruitful life. A man can only meet all his needs with a lot of money. Nowadays, life has become very advanced and complicated, and every ordinary man and woman needs a lot of wealth to achieve their desires. The inherent tendency and desire of every human being is to become the thing whose capabilities are entrusted to him. We must admit that we want to be what we can be.

The meaning of success in life is to become what we can and want.

We can do this by using facilities that wealth allows us to buy. Understanding and knowing the science of wealth accumulation is one of the most essential knowledge. There is nothing wrong with wanting to get rich. The desire for wealth is the desire for a more prosperous, fruitful, and abundant life, which is admirable and praiseworthy.

A person who lacks a fruitful life is unnatural. A person who does not want to have enough money in his hand to achieve his desire is unnatural.

Man lives with three motivations and goals. We live for our body, mind, and soul. None of the above is superior or holier than the other. All of them are equally desirable, and a fruitful life in the three areas of body, mind, and spirit depends on the fruitful manifestation of the other two regions. Living only in the service of the soul and leaving the body and mind aside is not right and honorable. Living in the service of the mind and ignoring physical and spiritual needs is also a mistake. We are all familiar with the hatred of purely physical motivations and the denial of spiritual and mental needs. Real life means the full manifestation of things a person can achieve by using his body, mind, and soul. No human can reach true happiness and satisfaction before his body has reached perfection in all its functions. The same is true about the soul and mind. Where there is a possibility of the emergence of unfulfilled or unrealized potential, there will be an unsatisfied desire, and this desire is the possibility that wants to be manifested or is the potential that wants to be realized.

Man cannot experience a whole life without proper food, comfortable clothes, warm shelter, and freedom from suffering and exhausting physical labor. Rest and recreation are essential for a complete physical life. A person cannot experience a complete mental life without books, enough time to study, the opportunity to travel, and friends who develop him intellectually.

For a complete mental life, one should have intellectual entertainment. One should be able to see beautiful works of art around and admire them. A full spiritual life requires love, and poverty prevents the manifestation of love.

A person’s highest spiritual happiness is when he can present a gift to his loved ones. Forgiveness is the highest and most natural manifestation of love.

A person who cannot give a gift cannot correctly fulfill himself as a husband and father of a citizen or a human being. It is through the use of material facilities that man understands the whole physical life. It cultivates your mind and opens your soul. Therefore, a person must be rich. Being rich and getting rich is your right; no ordinary man or woman can think otherwise. You have every right to devote your full attention to the science of wealth building to get rich quickly. Because it is the most noble and necessary knowledge. If you refuse to study this knowledge, you have failed in your duty towards yourself, humanity, and God.

Therefore, the most excellent service you can do to humanity is to make the most of your existence.


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