The power of questioning to achieve success

Question power
All humans are looking for a better life, and most of the time, this better life comes with better solutions, But few people pay attention to how to find better solutions.

It’s remarkably simple. To uncover better solutions, we need to pose better questions. As I’ve often emphasized in Law of Attraction discussions, our focus shapes our reality. Consider an undesirable event: why did this occur? Why me? Why did they do this? These questions lead our minds to seek evidence from the past that reinforces our victimhood.

Now we ask another question: how can I change this situation? How can I change my focus right now?

Now, let’s introduce a ‘magic question’ that can instantly uplift you: Will this matter in 6 months? The answer, more often than not, is no. This realization can swiftly shift your perspective and boost your spirits.

Making questions by the brain
When the smallest thing happens, our brain starts asking several questions, and usually, the first question is: What is the meaning of this thing? Is it pleasure or pain?

These are examples of questions that are always running in our minds regardless of the events in our lives. But I want you to be sharp and sensitive to these questions because if we keep asking ourselves the same questions, we will get the same answers.

Our performance is determined by ourselves
If we keep asking ourselves, why can’t I ever do this? Your brain will act so that you will never be able to do that task, and you will gradually believe that you cannot do that task. Of course, just as you can cultivate the belief that you can’t, you can use the law of attraction and positive energy through the power of questions.

There is no difficult task ahead of you. Instead of the above question, ask yourself, “How can I do this?” Your brain will lead the way.

The important point is that you don’t need to look for answers; you ask questions and leave the answer to the subconscious mind.

Remember you will only find what you are looking for. Asking questions is a great way to change the focus. At the end of this article, I have brought questions that Anthony Robbins says are quantum questions and they really have incredible power. For instance, instead of asking ‘Why does this always happen to me? ‘, ask ‘What can I learn from this situation?’ or ‘How can I turn this into an opportunity?’

Thinking is the question-and-answer
This part is a big challenge and will probably provoke much resistance in you, but it is the truth. The whole reality of life is what you focus on. It is enough to read the events page of newspapers right now to see what a bad feeling it gives you.

If we want to change the reality of our lives, we need to change our focus, and if we’re going to change the focus, we need to ask ourselves different questions.

Thinking is nothing but a series of questions and answers. When you think about doing something and thinking about it, your brain quickly asks: Will I be able to do it? What if I can do it? Can I do it? How should I do it? These questions and their answers will make you feel confident or afraid. That is, when you are thinking, you are asking questions and analyzing their answers.

Change your questions and change your life.
Does the law of attraction work? I don’t know if you believe in it or not, but whether you want it or not, the focus of your attention makes your life. Life events are unimportant, but their interpretation and how they are dealt with are essential.

What does interpretation mean? It is an important word, but what does it really mean? How do we interpret the events of our lives? Interpretation, in the context of the law of attraction, refers to the way we perceive and understand the events that happen to us. How can we explain the word interpretation simply? Just now, when I wanted to explain the interpretation, I had to ask myself a series of questions unintentionally. That’s what interpretation means! The series of questions we ask ourselves. Is interpretation nothing but asking questions? Even to question the previous thought, we have to ask questions.

I might get fired from a company (a seemingly bad thing). It makes a big difference which of these questions I ask myself after being fired:

1- Why did my boss treat me this way? Why does no one appreciate my work? What will happen to my life now?

2- What should I do to make this situation the best in my life? How can I make multiple times the credit and money of my previous job?

Interestingly, according to the law of attraction, a string of thoughts follows one another. You have done yourself a big favor if you answer the first question positively.

I have to repeat one point. If you make this one line the queen of your mind, you will see a miracle in your life. “Any question you ask, you will find an answer for it.” This is because the more you repeat a question, the more your brain will focus on finding an answer, leading to a shift in your mindset and actions.

I repeat: “Any question you ask, you will find an answer.”

I repeat: “Any question you ask, you will find an answer.”

This topic is so important that I would delete the entire article today and write this line only 100 times, but the rest of the content was also necessary to understand the topic. This whole page was written for this one line.

It’s crucial to understand that the questions we ask shape our reality. Whether your life is filled with beauty or challenges, constantly asking ‘What’s wrong with my life?’ can tarnish its beauty.

If you ask yourself why I always screw things up, your brain will tell you because you’re an idiot! But if you ask yourself why everything others do so hard is so easy for you, your brain will say it is because you are so intelligent.

Many friends ask how to program the subconscious mind. One of the free and easy ways is the power of questioning. Of course, the fastest way is to use hypnosis, but you don’t need to use hypnosis. The power of questions gives you energy that you can’t even imagine right now.

I would like to add another sentence to the sentence I said is very important: the only difference between people is the focus of their attention, and questioning is a great way to change the focus of attention.

Luther King’s questions
Martin Luther King is one of the most outstanding leaders in history. Martin constantly asked himself: “How can I create equality between blacks and whites?” Now, this may be a standard issue, but blacks in America did not even have the right to sit on the bus seat. How could one cope with a culture? Question with power.

Quantum questions
In this part, I have prepared some model questions for you, dear friends. By using them, you will feel small changes in your life in a few days, and then, after a few weeks, miracles will come to you.

If something unexpected happens to you:

1- Is this event important in 6 months? If the answer is no, ask this question. If in 4 years this matter is unimportant, put four years instead of 6 months.

2- I don’t want this, so what do I want? Your answer will be the opposite of what happened to you.

For example, someone said something behind me that upset me. My question was: I don’t want anyone to say bad things behind my back, so what do I want? I want everyone to talk about my goodness. I am a good person, and everyone focuses on my good things.

Of course, you don’t need to answer; you can just ask the question and let your subconscious mind do the rest.

One of the most magical questions possible

One of the questions that I ask myself whenever I want to explain to someone, the sugar melts in my heart is this:

What if…

For example, I want to triple my income but need help finding a way. Now I ask myself, what will happen if my income triples? Why is this question so important? Because your brain is looking for answers and telling you what will happen if your income triples, and what’s better than that? Aren’t we supposed to feel our goals with all our being to reach them? When I answer the question, what if it means that I remember and feel every single incident that will happen to me after my income triples?

Morning question
I will also ask you a good question to wake up. Immediately after waking up, ask yourself this question:

Why am I so happy?

This question asks you to focus on the good things in your life that make you happy, and then feeling good leads to good things happening.





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