Tag: success in life

  • The secret of success of great people (the richest chef in the world)

    The secret of success of great people (the richest chef in the world)

    The richest chef in the world reveals the secrets of his success. He now runs well-known and big restaurants in the four corners of the world and has become very popular. Gordon James Ramsay, born November 8, 1966, in Scotland, is a chef, restaurant owner, and television personality. His restaurants have been awarded sixteen Michelin…

  • How do we know if we are successful in life or not?

    How do we know if we are successful in life or not?

    Many people will only focus on their current life and the present time. They have lived too much in the present and forgotten the future. Although they may have a glimpse of the future, they hope that good things will happen to them. But in reality, these dreams don’t always turn into reality!The path to…

  • Behaviors that lower your self-confidence

    Behaviors that lower your self-confidence

    Behavior that destroys your self-confidence There is no doubt that having enough self-confidence is one of the main foundations of success in work and life. By removing five wrong behaviors from our daily lives, we can reach the optimal level of self-confidence. Avoiding seven behaviors that lower or destroy self-confidence We know the benefits of…

  • Scientific techniques that will double your learning speed

    Scientific techniques that will double your learning speed

    Increase your productivity and creativity. Most of us are so busy these days that we don’t find time to learn new skills. Famous people like Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates use the 5-hour rule and dedicate at least 5 hours weekly to learning new things. You cannot learn much in this short period, But research…

  • Strengthen the power of our mind – part three

    Strengthen the power of our mind – part three

    Hello, my friends and companions. In this series of articles, I plan to talk about inner power and how to activate it according to the teachings of Anthony Robbins. I will also share my experiences and learnings with you. In the first and second parts of this series of articles, I presented some basic and,…

  • Seven ways of thinking guaranteed to achieve sustainable success

    Seven ways of thinking guaranteed to achieve sustainable success

    In terms of success, there are usually two types of people. One is a group of people who enjoy short-term success, and the other group achieves lasting success that stays with them for the rest of their lives. Entrepreneurs usually believe that they have everything they need to succeed in their business. They avoid change…

  • Interview with Brian Tracy

    Interview with Brian Tracy

    1) Can you tell us a little about yourself and your past? I started life with a few blessings. I was born into a family in financial trouble, and I dropped out of high school halfway through. At first, I worked as a laborer, and for a while, my car was my only shelter day…

  • I want to be successful.

    I want to be successful.

    Why do some think that a municipal officer cannot be successful? Why can’t a lazy student be successful? Why do we believe the person who went bankrupt can no longer taste success? Why do we think that the shoemaker on the street is not successful? How can we be successful? Everyone has an interpretation of…

  • Eight Ways of Success from a non-attractive Point of View

    Eight Ways of Success from a non-attractive Point of View

    Everyone, without exception, is looking for success, and we can mean it in every way and in every situation. Success in business, success in life, success in business, academic success, success in friendship, etc., are all summed up in one word: “success and success.” We hear many ways to achieve success around us every day,…

  • The concept of wanting is to be able – Believe part one

    The concept of wanting is to be able – Believe part one

    Use the verb to be able (to be able, it is enough to want) The law of attraction says: you attract in return.We have experienced this, and nearly 99.9% of people have reached a place where they unanimously said, “We wanted it; it happened.” Yes, wanting is 100% getting. This is the intention. A determination…