Strengthen the power of your mind – part two

Hello, friends and companions. As you know, in this series of articles, I intend to discuss the power within man and how to activate it according to Anthony Robbins’s teachings (the law of attraction) and share my experiences and learnings with you.

In the first part, I presented two basic and, at the same time, very important principles; the first principle was decision-making, and the second principle was the principle of flexibility. If you have forgotten the teachings of the previous article, please stop now and read the first part again, and then continue reading this article.

Well, if you are ready, let’s get started…

In this article, I will share two other basic but essential principles, which can be said to be the continuation of the first part. Finally, we will present the first exercise to activate the inner power in this article.

The principle of taking examples from successful people

Suppose you are overweight and want to lose weight to have more positive energy and a more fit body. Well, as we said in the previous article, the first step is to make a serious decision and act quickly in the second step. But what should you do? There are millions of methods, and most of them don’t work.

Anthony Robbins suggests we find a model for ourselves. We have to find someone who has already achieved what we want and then do the same things he did. All successful people have special behavior, so if we adopt the same behavior, it is just like choosing our path from a map that has been prepared with years of hard work.

One of the suggestions of Anthony Robbins is that if you want to achieve something, first find someone who has achieved it and see what they did, you can do the same thing and get the same results.

Before moving on to the next principle, let’s read a direct quote from Anthony Robbins regarding the patterning principle:

“I have achieved things in life that a person my age usually cannot achieve. Not because I am very different from you. I realized that whatever I want, someone has it before me, so instead of trying multiple ways, I can use the same way to get it. The result is clear. I have also used modeling to improve my financial situation. I was in a position that is considered below the poverty line in the society. I had no self-confidence and felt depressed, but I was able to achieve a wonderful transformation both financially and mentally. In a period of less than twelve months, all aspects of my life changed by one hundred and eighty degrees. I was able to move from my 40-meter apartment to my new house, which was 10,000 square meters and actually looked like a palace.”

Failure is a stepping stone to climb.

We all know many successful people. Why are these people so successful? You might say they are brilliant and wonderful. However, it is better to know that such people have failed more than you think, but they use each failure as a stepping stone to climb and reach the top of success.

According to Anthony Robbins, emotions such as fear, rejection or pain that we perceive as negative are our best friends. These feelings exist in all people, but successful people use them to their advantage. For many, if it wasn’t for these feelings, they wouldn’t be able to change, they wouldn’t be able to improve and improve their lives and work hard.

It is only with a feeling of discomfort that a person realizes that he has to change his path and reform a part of his life, but on the condition that this feeling does not overwhelm us and does not turn us into a conservative person.

Anthony Robbins says in this regard:

Have you ever noticed that people celebrate when they succeed and think when they fail? He who thinks many times will achieve the greatest success. So remember that there is no such thing as failure. If you seem to fail on the way to something, you will certainly learn from that, which will help you on the way to your destination. The more you learn, the more successful you will be.

Exercise number one: making a success notebook

I want you to complete the exercises given in this series of articles. To accomplish them you need a notebook, I call this notebook the success notebook. Each of us will forget more than 80% of what we hear or read within three days. But by writing, 75 to 90 percent of the content is deposited in your memories. Life is the most valuable gift from God, so it is worth recording and keeping.

I suggest you prepare notebooks for yourself after finishing this series of articles and keep them for the rest of your life. In these notebooks, you can write down what you learn daily, your thoughts, experiences, and whatever made you excited and happy.

Anthony Robbins says in this regard:

“These notebooks are like your children. Indeed, it happened to you that one day, you met one of your acquaintances on the street, and he saw your child and said: Hey boy, how big you are! While you have not noticed the growth of your child at all. Your notebooks remind you of your past, and you can see with your own eyes how much you have grown intellectually.

I want you to make a notebook as soon as you read this article. Never write down your writings on a piece of paper. Buying a notebook is your first task.

It was a simple task, wasn’t it? But know that by performing these simple tasks, our lives will undergo many changes in the long run. By placing small bricks on top of each other, a big and beautiful house is built.

Darren Hardy (the editor-in-chief of American Success Magazine) calls the cumulative effect of these simple tasks over the long term the compound effect. Indeed, the name Darren Hardy came up, and I promise that we will examine his teachings in a series of separate articles. Well, let’s start with something simple:

For today’s exercise, I want you to finish two things that you have been putting off for a long time—two things you feel you need to do. It doesn’t have to be hard work. Maybe it’s working on the phone with one of your friends or even cleaning and tidying your room—I don’t know. There are many things that we have to do, but we postpone them until tomorrow.

So get to work right now and write these two things down in your notebook. This is a very small change in your life, but soon a huge transformation will take place in your life with the law of attraction.


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