Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How to make the impossible possible with the law of attraction

    How to make the impossible possible with the law of attraction

    How to make impossible goals possible Know the impossible and the possible. We must pay attention to the limitations we have created for ourselves. This short article eloquently explains why. One of the reasons children are so creative is that they are open to all possibilities. We have to start from the same point. As…

  • Ways and golden rules of gaining respect

    Ways and golden rules of gaining respect

    Methods of gaining respect If we expect others to treat us with respect, the first step is to treat others with respect. The easiest way to gain respect All human beings deserve respect, but unfortunately, some people are not able to earn this respect. Of course, we can position ourselves in many ways to earn…

  • Why do women hate women who are more beautiful than themselves?

    Why do women hate women who are more beautiful than themselves?

    Have you ever wondered why women hate each other? No one really talks about this issue, but jealousy is one of the main reasons women are unable to get along. Maybe this article will be criticized. Before I discuss why women hate each other, I must say that this article is only a research paper.…

  • Getting to know the ways to become a multi-billionaire

    Getting to know the ways to become a multi-billionaire

    The art of getting rich Becoming a billionaire is now easier than before, while many people consider it impossible and a chance. According to them, one must be born into a rich family. The truth is that we can all become rich with hard work and perseverance. It is not an impossible dream. If we…

  • The secret of success of great people (the richest chef in the world)

    The secret of success of great people (the richest chef in the world)

    The richest chef in the world reveals the secrets of his success. He now runs well-known and big restaurants in the four corners of the world and has become very popular. Gordon James Ramsay, born November 8, 1966, in Scotland, is a chef, restaurant owner, and television personality. His restaurants have been awarded sixteen Michelin…

  • How do we know if we are successful in life or not?

    How do we know if we are successful in life or not?

    Many people will only focus on their current life and the present time. They have lived too much in the present and forgotten the future. Although they may have a glimpse of the future, they hope that good things will happen to them. But in reality, these dreams don’t always turn into reality!The path to…

  • Behaviors that lower your self-confidence

    Behaviors that lower your self-confidence

    Behavior that destroys your self-confidence There is no doubt that having enough self-confidence is one of the main foundations of success in work and life. By removing five wrong behaviors from our daily lives, we can reach the optimal level of self-confidence. Avoiding seven behaviors that lower or destroy self-confidence We know the benefits of…

  • Scientific techniques that will double your learning speed

    Scientific techniques that will double your learning speed

    Increase your productivity and creativity. Most of us are so busy these days that we don’t find time to learn new skills. Famous people like Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates use the 5-hour rule and dedicate at least 5 hours weekly to learning new things. You cannot learn much in this short period, But research…

  • Good morning with positive energy

    Good morning with positive energy

    Let’s start our morning with energy. If we want enough energy during the day to do all our work and increase our productivity and creativity, we must start our morning with energy. How we start the day can affect all our daily activities. If we start our morning lethargic, we will need more energy to…

  • The secret of the vitality of successful women with the law of attraction

    The secret of the vitality of successful women with the law of attraction

    Get to know the secrets of happy and successful women By examining and studying the factors of happiness in different women, researchers have concluded that: 1- Happy women know that perfectionism differs from perfectionism, so they seek to look at themselves and their weaknesses and strengths and do not have an idealistic and romantic view.2-…

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