Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Famous and rich people of the world who once lived inside their cars

    Famous and rich people of the world who once lived inside their cars

    It is time to use the expression after every difficulty is easy. Sometimes, that difficulty can be living in a car instead of a warm, soft, and comfortable home. It can be a storm before fame. It can be a very small chance among life’s bitter and difficult events. In the continuation of this article,…

  • Key quotes from the world’s wealthiest people about getting rich

    Key quotes from the world’s wealthiest people about getting rich

    Key tips from the world’s richest people about getting rich Most people work day and night to increase their income and live better lives. Some work two or three shifts to achieve this goal. However, most people cannot fulfill their dreams. But life is not the same for all people, and we know those who…

  • Meet the wives of the richest men in the world

    Meet the wives of the richest men in the world

    Getting to know the wives of the richest men in the world In every country, there are people who are very wealthy. They can do anything in the world and choose any entertainment for themselves. Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Larry Page are among the rich and famous people in the world. They run big…

  • 13 tips to make the right decision in life and implement it

    13 tips to make the right decision in life and implement it

    Decision-making skills and their implementation Neuroscientists examined brain activity during a simple decision-making experiment and found that people typically made decisions 10 seconds before they became aware of them.We still have the Stone Age brains of our ancestors, which are filled with emotions, have incomplete memories, and have a short attention span. Our brains never…

  • Forward to success with the laws of success (law of attraction)

    Forward to success with the laws of success (law of attraction)

    Law of motivation:Everything we say or do comes from our inner desires. So, to achieve success, motivations must be specified to reach the goal with basic planning. Law of expectation:If you expect something to happen in your environment with self-confidence, that will happen. You always act in harmony with your expectations, and these expectations affect…

  • Ways to create transformation in life by the law of attraction

    Ways to create transformation in life by the law of attraction

    Ways to make changes in life In this article, we will review five important principles of change and transformation in life that have inspired others to achieve transformation.The meaning of a good life is not to always follow the same path. Sometimes, we have to make changes in our life path. We should look within…

  • Daily questions that make life better

    Daily questions that make life better

    Everyone wants to see their life better day by day. In this article, we discuss 11 questions that may change our lives by asking them. Benjamin Franklin started his day with this question: “What good thing should I do today?” And he ends his day with this question: “What good did I do today?”Many great…

  • By doing these things, the people around us move away from us

    By doing these things, the people around us move away from us

    We do many things to alienate the people around us. Most of these tasks do not require effort. This article mentions some of them. 1- Sharing many photos on social networks Sharing too many photos on social networks, including Facebook, can damage our relationships. Sharing too many family photos does not create a good image…

  • How not to be shy to find a job

    How not to be shy to find a job

    Being shy gives work to people and sometimes takes work away from us.No matter how efficient and skilled a person is, if he cannot show his skills well, he will face failure and not be hired in any interview. If you are shy and looking for a job, follow this article to the end. 1-…

  • How to be successful and rich at a young age with the law of attraction

    How to be successful and rich at a young age with the law of attraction

    Previously, being a millionaire was limited to middle-aged men or women. Nowadays, it seems that the young generation has news of their miraculous success stories, and this can be attributed to the era of information explosion and technological developments today. The internet is in our pockets, and new people have accepted that they will spend…

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