Inner peace by forgiving others

What is inner peace?

We have all been hurt more or less by different people for different reasons. Trusts have been lost, and hearts have been broken. These injuries are very common for a short period, but these pains sometimes become permanent, and we relive them by remembering them and struggling with them.

This problem has not only caused us discomfort, but it can also damage our relationships even more and cause confusion and reluctance to face people. Sometimes, we get caught in the circle of anger and forget the beauty of life.

We must learn to forgive and let it flow in our lives. Sometimes, forgiving someone can open our mental space like no other action. For example, four years ago, we suffered a mental injury from one of our friends, which we still cherish in our minds. But we should know that by forgiving that person and opening up our mental space, we have also made another person happy.

Why should we forgive others?

Forgiveness can change the course of people’s lives. Of course, it is not forgiveness that means forgetting and erasing the past, but forgiveness in the true sense and from the bottom of the heart. Of course, it should be noted that we should not try to change the other person’s behavior because it is not in our hands to control the behavior of others, but it is in our own hands to control our anger. Here are some reasons to forgive people:

1- Not forgiving people is like carrying masses of negative burdens, which causes disturbances in thoughts and mind and, subsequently, in the human body. Because every idea inside us has a reflection outside.

2- A good past, free from the fault and guilt of others, makes you feel fresh and refreshed and causes that with every look at the past, only good and good memories appear, and by forgiving bad and negative memories, they are automatically erased.

3- People’s perceptions of us and our personalities have improved; they accept us as forgiving and trustworthy people. Also, by forgiving, we have made the person in question forever indebted to us. (Of course, if his mistake was intentional)

4- This situation may happen to us, and we will need to be forgiven by others one day. So, let’s remember the law of karma and throw our boomerang towards forgiving people so that it will return to us by being forgiven by others.

How to forgive others?

Forgiveness is not easy, but we can forgive someone in a day or even a few seconds. First, we must promise ourselves that we want to change and open our intellectual and mental space. We must also know that the chronicity of these pains will cause serious damage to the human soul.

One simple way to forgive others is to put ourselves in the place of the sinner. Let’s see why he did such a thing and ask ourselves, “Which of my behavior made him do that?” And always consider everyone good. Let’s know that no one is wrong from the beginning, and no one intends to persecute others.

Another way to forgive people is to know that the past will not return and that what happened will not be rehashed. So why should we upset ourselves and create a tumor in our mind and make it bigger day by day by not forgiving others? Let’s imagine that unforgiveness is like stones that stand in the way of our progress. By forgiving, we bring peace to ourselves and do ourselves a favor. (This is serious)

Also, we should be kind to our fellow man. Everyone, in times of anger or even in a normal state and out of thoughtlessness, takes actions that may not be right in many people’s opinion and cause them discomfort. So, let’s consider this issue as a reason for the person’s thoughtlessness or his moment of anger.





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