Increase confidence and efficiency with questions

How Robbins’ confidence won me over

The first time I read a book about success, I was 15-16 years old. I was on my way to language class when I saw a book called “Unlimited Success in 20 Days” – I thank God that the first book I read was by Anthony Robbins – I fell in love with the character of Anthony Robbins from the beginning. I saw that it’s very cool, as we say! Everything is different from others. His self-confidence was evident in his writings.

One day, I read a story from him in which he said that now I fly my personal helicopter above my own island, and I am thinking that a couple of years ago, I was a janitor in a building! And this is the power of the law of attraction.

Anthony Robbins was great. I had fallen in love with him through his writings, but I was not aware that I had only fallen in love with him; I was not doing the things he said at all. I was innocent to some extent. Tony was talking about mind maps and belief frameworks from NLP and NAC. It was tough for me to understand. I decided to simplify his books for myself.

The first time I got the results of a middle line of deliberately attracting my goals, I did an exciting thing that was simple and the results were excellent. Today, that content has become simpler and simpler and resembles a defined program and ritual. I want to talk to you about a daily ritual. A ritual that, if you stick to it, will turn your life upside down.

A ritual: Just run . Keep one point in mind. You are in the process of vibrating with your desires, where things happen to you that help you achieve your desires. No one can tell another person how to achieve their goals.

Many times, I am asked: What should I do to double my income, four times my love, or eight times my health? Believe me, I don’t know! Everyone knows. Now, does Bill Gates know how to double my income with that huge capital? I vibrate with my goal of doubling my income, and then the path will be shown to me.

Jack Canfield gives an excellent example in the film The Secret: When driving a car, the lights only illuminate a hundred meters ahead, but we go a hundred meters ahead to reach our destination.

Expecting you to know exactly how to achieve success is like expecting your car to turn on its lights from New York to the north at night, and then you move.

Who among us would have guessed before we met someone how we would meet and then marry? Which of us knew two years before our current job that we would be doing precisely this? Which of us knew the club we were going to now two years before we started playing sports? Even the clothes we buy are usually random and on the spur of the moment.

Those who seek a clear path need more trust. Those who can’t understand God know more than them. They expect to understand everything with their reason, while the world’s reason is like ours.

I want to introduce you to a ritual so that good things will happen to you and you will make good decisions. Now, I can’t say what happens, but whatever it is, it will bring you closer to your goal.

But first, let’s have a small review of the previous two articles:
Anytime you want, you can turn your life upside down by asking questions. That’s it! This was the summary of the last two articles.

Repeat this ritual until you feel it throughout your being. This is not the place to memorize beautiful sentences and add to awareness. My intention for you is practical learning and conclusions. I repeat these questions so much that it gives you a sense of beauty.

Start the morning with this question: “What is great in my life?” Why am I so happy? What in my life am I grateful to God for right now?”

Do not give homework answers. Don’t say that a breath comes and goes. Instead, think about the question and see what comes to your mind. I thank God for my personal computer every day; It starts all my work and makes my writing speed four times faster than mobile. In a way, he is considered one of my best friends.

After you get the answer, see why your life is great for these things and that you are thankful for them.

I am thankful for my child! It is healthy, smart, kind, polite, and… and this is where you gradually find the feeling you should have and positive attraction begins.

Feeling better than good
You feel better every moment. As long as you keep yourself in this question-and-answer process, more things and more reasons will keep coming to you, according to the law of attraction.

Let your mind fly. Leave it free and enjoy the process. If you are not enjoying this process, something is wrong. This was the morning training; now, let’s go to the afternoon and night training.

noon and night
Do the same things you used to do in the afternoon. The secret to the success of this ritual is its simplicity. There is no need to be involved in it from morning to night.

At night, before going to sleep, think about your morning questions and try to recreate the morning answers and the feeling of it. It’s so sweet to go to sleep feeling good. After a week of performing this ritual, you will sleep very well. I did not enjoy my night dreams. I was always running away from sleep. If something good were to happen to me in the next four days, the days would not matter, but I would mourn that, God willing, these four nights would pass sooner. But now I sleep like that. It’s genuinely one of the great joys of my life because I get to sleep feeling good.

I have a special surprise for you. After some time – 21 to 40 days – when you ask yourself these questions, your subconscious mind will ask you these questions. What’s better than this? Nothing. Your brain itself asks positive questions and gives positive answers. Now is the time to enjoy life.

The principle of continuity
Repeat this every day until it becomes a part of you. Jim says, “Regular effort pays double.” Do this regularly.

Anthony Robbins says, “If you do something every day, you will achieve great results because you will focus all your energies on it.”

A unique legend
Let me talk to you about the myth of uniqueness. This man is one of the great geniuses of our time and, according to many, the Einstein of our time. You may have heard the name of his book: “The History of Time.” This book answers many questions: “What caused the world’s creation?” “Where did we come from, and where are we going?” “What is the origin of the world, and where does it go?”

These are the questions that this genius never stopped asking. He is suffering from an incurable disease, and almost all parts of his body are paralyzed. He is not even able to speak, but he communicates with the help of a brain sensor device. This is the genius of Stephen Hawking.

He could sit in a wheelchair and ask with regret and protest, “God, why did you bring this calamity on me?” But he never did. Instead, he asked, “Where did we come from, and where are we going?” and searched for an answer all his life. His book was at the top of the New York Times bestseller list for a year.

We put problems in the way of our beliefs. We set a ceiling for ourselves. A ceiling much, much smaller than our capabilities.

Let me ask you a quantum question: Is suffering better than pleasure? Be careful which one you choose.





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