How to get rich? First, the dilemma of wealth and poverty

How to get rich! How many times have you asked yourself this question?
Money is the only tool to experience what you love in life. When you think about what you can do with money, you feel much more love and enthusiasm than when you only think about money.

Imagine having what you love right now and doing what you love. Then you feel a lot better than when you think about money itself.

You have to feel good to get what you want. Naturally, the things you get with money can feel much better and more accessible than money itself.

$100,000 in the bank account is just a number, but a great car is much easier to feel. Try to spend your time on the feeling of what you will have, not the amount of the bank account itself.

Do not be mistaken! Don’t think that money is the only way you can attract something. This view is too limited when the law of attraction is unlimited. You can win the lottery. You can come across a car for even half the original price entirely by chance – for those who don’t know the law of attraction or completely according to the law of attraction for those who do. You can provide a service for what you want.

I don’t want to say don’t think about getting money and increasing your income; I just want to say that the things you can get with money feel much easier, and more importantly, don’t think narrowly.

Let me put your mind at ease. Once you get what you want, you can only guess how you will get it. Just look around you. Many people have even made their careers happen.

You don’t know, but the law of attraction does. The Law of Attraction will find an excellent way to receive it. Our human mind is limited, but divine genius is unlimited. The ways of the Lord of the universe are beyond our human mind. Don’t limit your life by thinking money is the only way to get what you want. Don’t make money the only goal in your life, but what you want to be, do, or have as your goal.

If you want a new house, imagine and feel the joy of living in that house. If you want nice clothes, home appliances, or cars, and if you want to go to college, move to another country, study music, acting, or sports, imagine it! All these can come to you in different and unlimited ways.

The primary law of attracting money
There is only one rule for money: you can only put cash after feeling good. If you do this, you have violated the law of attraction. You have to feel good first, then the money will flow to you.

Of course, this law applies to money and everything. Generally, the common point of all happiness is feeling good, but in this article, we focus more on attracting money.

“If you need love, try to understand that the only way to get love is to give love. The more you give, the more you will receive, and the only way you can give love is to fill yourself with it so that you become a magnet.” Charles

Forced labor or work based on the law of attraction?
If you’re working because you think it’s the only way you can make money and are not passionate about it, you’ll never get the money or the job you love. The job you love already exists; all you have to do to get it is feel good about it. Focus on the positive aspects of your current job. You give love, and this is where the power of the law of attraction comes into play.

Shakespeare once said:
I’m always happy, do you know why?
Antibiotics are always harmful
life is short
So, love your life
be happy
and smile
Live only for yourself
And before you speak, listen!
Think before you write!
Earn before you spend!
Forgive before you pray!
Feel before you hurt!
Before hating, love!
This is life
Feel it, live it, and enjoy it.

This whole article is unique, but I must repeat the first sentence.

“I’m always happy.”

The elders all used their feelings well.





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