How do you attract men? The second part

In the first part, I talked about how to attract men. I compared it to the secret of attracting wealth, but many friends had asked about practical methods that do not require a change of mind about attracting men, so I wrote this article at the request of these loved ones.

Men are easily attracted

In general, men are much simpler than women. Women are more complicated than men. If we move away from the mental conditions and the law of attraction to attract men, there are a series of points that men will be attracted to if they are followed. In general, men are more prone to be attracted to someone.

Men gain the most importance and value from the success, status, and respect of important people in their lives. Men are intrinsically motivated to provide for themselves and their families. This is the axis of men’s self-concept and identity. Some men work full-time and feel insecure, thinking they should work more to make more money.

Brian Tracy says, “Men always feel insecure.”

The main way to attract men

The key to attracting men is simple: Ask them questions and then praise their achievements and beliefs. Please don’t try to lie. The truth is pleasing to the heart. Don’t play movies; search for a feature you really like, then admire that feature. Ask him to talk more about that feature.

If you are impressed by what he has done or is doing, express this feeling. Let it feel great. This is how you will attract him.

The main need of men

Men are attracted to you when you affirm their ability to be successful and provide for their families. When women smile at men, they make them happy and give them a sense of security. I emphasize that these are all good, but using the law of attraction of love is better.

Any words of affirmation and praise for success – especially work successes – will encourage their men. With each compliment, you pull him one step closer to you.

Don’t be greedy

People often see successful, handsome, educated, well-mannered, and wealthy men next to ordinary women and ask greedily: How are they together? God, give me luck. God has given everyone a chance; it is a question of using the chance. This is where your belief matters. If you think that you must be rich or attractive and educated, etc., to attract a successful person, there are two situations:

First case: if you are rich, attractive, and educated because your beliefs support you, you will attract a successful person!

The second case: if you don’t have the above, you must change your belief. Attracting a successful person requires none of these things.

Women who have attracted very successful men have only done one thing well: they have seen that man as valuable and successful and thus attracted him. Of course, you need to listen well to his words in the first stage.

The magic of listening

This part is necessary for attracting men and women, and it doesn’t matter what the other party’s gender is, but it is more sensitive in attracting men because if a man realizes that you don’t listen to him, he will feel bad.

Dale Carnegie says: “Six-dong attention to the speaker is the highest form of attraction.”

Here are 4 keys to listening. These keys are handy in social, romantic, and business relationships.

1- Listen carefully. Listen continuously and do not interrupt the other party. Listen as if the other person’s words are the most important thing in the world right now. I emphasize, don’t play movies, really listen. Your 100% attention should be on what the other person is saying, especially if you are talking to a man.

If you are doing something at that time, stop your work. Close your book right away. You don’t know what powerful feeling you are conveying to your other side. Show that you are attracted to what the other party is saying. It is as if you are nailed and you are listening to the most attractive words in the world.

When you listen to him wholeheartedly and show good feelings, the law of attraction and positive energy will come to your aid. The other party understands your feelings, and his brain releases endorphins, happy medicines. This will increase his self-confidence. After a few negotiations, he will become conditioned and relate your presence to his self-confidence, and this is where you will mean the world to him.

2- Pause before answering the question. If you pause for 3-4 seconds, let silence reign. Three good things happen like this:

First, If he has paused and intends to continue talking again, he will be pleased with your respect and treatment.

Second: By pausing, you tell the other party that you are analyzing his words. This makes you appear to be an intelligent person, and the other party will also thank you for the respect you give to his words.

Third: You understand his words in the true sense. Remember, we are not going to play a movie

3- Ask questions. In this way, you understand the other party’s meaning better. Even if you completely understand what he means, these questions make the other person understand how important what he said is to you.

Golden Tip: We talked a few times about the power of questions. First, I suggest that you read them if you haven’t.

In the article about questions, I said that asking questions can change the focus of your attention or that of the other party. What’s better than taking control of the conversation?

The questioner always controls the answerer. All the great conversationalists in the world are experts. The questions are unique.

4- Get feedback.

Repeat all the other party’s words in your language. Sentences: “So you did this, and so-and-so happened, and you decided not to do anything for now. Is that right?”

As I said, listening is common in attracting men and women. Women usually listen much better. I don’t say that; the MRI scans say that.

When a woman communicates, all seven centers of her brain are involved. But men usually involve two centers, especially when the TV is on, and if football is broadcast, it’s a disaster!

The worst sin you can commit is not paying attention to your partner. Every man has at least once heard from his wife that “you don’t listen to me.”

These techniques are very effective, but something needs to replace the law of attraction. At the request of my friends, I mentioned practical and somewhat more physical methods, but the law of attraction is the same as the example that when 100 comes, 90 is also in front of us.

Let’s review listening techniques again: careful listening, pausing, asking good questions, and getting feedback.

Taken from Brian Tracy’s article called How to Attract Men

A few key points to attract men

Remember that a man needs a woman who loves him sincerely and is charming in the true sense of the word. As much as individual independence gives women strength and self-confidence, the inability to compromise can seriously discourage men.

So, just as women need to show their independence to men, they should clarify that they greatly desire to share their love with the man in their life. Rest assured that if a man knows you love him with all your heart, he will provide you with whatever you want for your comfort and convenience.

Sometimes, to attract men, you need to show them that you don’t mind if they visit your friends without you. Try not to act in a way that makes him feel like you’re trying to capture him.

You don’t need to dress and walk like a superstar to attract men. By the way, men like. However, always pay a little attention to your appearance. It is better to wear clothes that express your personality while being elegant. Also, try always to be confident.





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