Gradation of feelings from attraction to resistance

Rating of emotions
Today, I will give this rating with a brief explanation. Emotions in order from the first to the last emotion, the more resistance we have to absorb. This is called the law of attraction.

Every thought creates a feeling in us, and these thoughts send out a vibration equal to the feeling they have produced. Then, we have to wait for an attraction equal to our feelings.

Important point: In some places, it is not mentioned that we cannot jump into the emotional gradation, i.e., we cannot go from feeling depressed to feeling maybe. This is very important. Sometimes, we experience a bad feeling. If we set a goal that we are going to get from the bad feeling of sadness to discouragement, we can do it, but if we want to get to a happy feeling all at once, we will feel despair.

Rating emotions from Ms. Hicks’s point of view
1- Happiness / Awareness / Authority / Freedom / Love / Appreciation

2- Enthusiasm/willingness/enthusiasm

3- Positive expectations/opinion

4- Optimism

5- hope

6- Satisfaction

7- Boredom and discouragement

8- Pessimism

9- Frustration/restlessness/boredom

10- Despair

11- Hesitation

12- Worry

13- Blame

14- Discouragement

15- Anger

16- Revenge

17- Hate/grudge

18- Jealousy

19- lack of security/guilt/lack of competence

20- Fear/sadness/depression/disappointment/powerlessness

Of course, it is difficult to express feelings with words. Many times, we confuse attachment with love. It would help if you become an expert at recognizing your emotions. You should try to get a better feeling, but the name of this feeling is unimportant.

Inner resistance is the only factor that stops you from experiencing a fantastic life.

The disease comes from resistance.

Poverty comes from resistance.

Confusion comes from resistance.

Depression comes from resistance.

Remember that the force of the universe is the force of sound, and we cause evil by resisting good. Simply put, the force of the world is the force of light, and darkness is nothing but the absence of light. We have lamps to light up the environment, but do we have anything to darken the environment? Darkening means not allowing light to enter.

In the same way, poverty means not allowing wealth to enter; Wealth is like light everywhere.

Disease means not allowing health to enter the body. What if you get sick and leave your body alone? The body becomes healthy again because the force in the body is the force of health, and disease means the absence of health.

be free
Please be free. don’t grumble. Do you know why I don’t say don’t complain? I call him by this ugly name so that you feel hatred; even if he had a worse name, I would call him by that name.

You are where you should be. Your thoughts created this situation. If you don’t accept this issue, close this page now because my words will not help you. You don’t need to do much if your body is healthy or you have enough money now. Focus on the situation right now. You should always focus on the good things; now that everything is good, focusing on the present will help you.

For this reason, all the professors of the Law of Attraction emphasize gratitude. Gratitude is paying full attention to the good things in our lives.

The most important thing
All this talk was to tell you that nothing is more important than feeling good. If you have deliberately decided to feel better every moment from now on, I must say that you have made the best decision of your life.





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