Biography of Anthony Robbins

Biography of Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins’ biography states that he was born in 1961 into a relatively low-income family. After getting his high school diploma, he tried various jobs but was unsuccessful.

At the age of 22, Anthony Robbins lived a poor, single life in a humble 40-meter apartment, and according to himself, he had to wash his dishes in the bathtub. Apart from his financial problems, he weighed more than 120 kg due to overeating and bad food, and due to obesity, he had become lazy, lethargic, and sleepy.

But despite poverty and misery, he dreamed for himself and had ambitious dreams. In his fantasy world, he imagined himself in a beautiful palace on the seashore and near a green forest, and for himself, a worthy wife, an expensive car, and facilities. This was considered a dream.

The Secret of Anthony Robbins’ Success

Ultimately, he decided to fight his obesity and reach his goal. He studied several books but found their contents contradictory and flawed and threw them away. After that, he looked for another way to lose weight. He thought of finding a person who is healthy and fit in every way and making his thoughts, beliefs, and way of eating his example.

Motivational speaker Tony Robbins waves before speaking during the Dream Force Conference in San Francisco, California, U.S., on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2016. Inc. isn’t wasting any time putting its new acquisitions to use in a bid to strengthen its business software against larger rivals such as Microsoft Corp. New products unveiled Tuesday will blend the company’s services with Quip, the document company Salesforce purchased in August for about $600 million. Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

This method was effective for him, and he lost about fifteen kilograms of his weight in less than two months without using a diet, mainly using psychological methods and Thought and mind control. Due to his tall stature, he, who was about two meters, got his fitness.

His Success in weight control made him think that this method could be applied to anyone anytime, anywhere, and in any context. First, it was believed that to obtain and maintain physical fitness, in the first stage, we should find out the thoughts and perceptions and, using behaviorism, the behaviors of the individual that are appropriate in terms of weight. Let’s see what that person eats, how much, and how he eats. Then, let’s make him an example and reach the same result.

After that, he believed that the structure of the brain and nerves of people (humans) are more or less similar to each other, so if someone in some part of the world has been able to do something great, I, too, who has the same brain and nerves as him. I can do precisely the same thing and achieve the same result, provided that I follow the same path that he went and that my way of thinking and acting is similar to his.

Anthony Robbins implemented this way of thinking, recommended it to others, checked the results, and believed in the correctness of this belief.

At this time, he studied psychology books in depth, participated in classes taught by professors of this science, and got acquainted with new techniques such as “neuro-verbal programming” and “methods of doing tasks optimally.” He applied himself and others and achieved remarkable results. He was able to find a way to succeed in his life, and gradually, the attention of many people was drawn to him.

In 1984, he tested new psychology methods for several sports heroes, and its results were shown in the 1984 Olympic Games. After that, he was invited by the army to teach new techniques to American soldiers. While implementing this plan, he noticed the army’s training deficiencies in the shooting field and claimed that he could reduce the time of the mentioned training programs by half. The army made a deal to pay him a substantial salary if he could prove his claims.

Anthony Robbins not only reduced the duration of this course to less than half but also increased the acceptance rate of the participants, which was an average of 70% until then, to 100%. Notably, he did not know how to shoot and hated weapons and war, and what became the liquid of his Success was his deep knowledge of psychology, his penetrating tone, and his familiarity with the principles of education and how to learn.

These successes brought many material and spiritual rewards. He quickly took the following steps to Success and soon achieved all his wishes and desires. Achieving his dream and goal for him happened in less than two years; he married his favorite wife. He bought a beautiful palace on the green beaches of San Diego, overlooking the sea from one side. He prepared his car and living things according to what he saw in his youthful dreams. With the help of his friends, he founded a company called the “Robbins Foundation,” which was established to help people achieve personal and professional Success and trains more than tens of thousands of people every year.

At the same time, his “crossing over fire” program, which was a small part of the content of his seminars and was designed to build self-confidence in the participants, attracted the attention of the press and mass media.

The seminars and TV shows mentioned are still being performed today, and his enthusiastic viewers watch his programs on TV every week.

Robbins’ special interest is helping people make the world a better place by shaping their own destinies, improving their relationships with others in society, and pursuing worthwhile goals. Live your life, overcome your emotional or financial failures, and serve society and the country.

In 1986, when he was not more than 25 years old, Robbins wrote the result of his thoughts and practical experiences in his book Toward Success. He revealed the secrets of his Success and that of many successful people, making this book the best-selling book in 1987.

To improve employee performance, Robbins has worked with organizations such as IBM, American Express, Mac Douglas, AT&T, and the United States Army, as well as Los Angeles sports teams and Olympic gold medalists. He has also been consulted by many world-famous figures and has been consulted on the reconstruction of Sheffield, the fourth-largest city in England.

Tony has held numerous seminars and lectures in different cities and has organized many educational programs for children, adults, people with disabilities, and the mentally disabled. In 1991, he created a non-profit foundation to help disadvantaged children, people without women, the elderly, and prisoners. With his unique psychotherapy methods, he saved many people from despair, depression, and unreasonable fears (such as fear of the dark, crowds, heights, death, etc.). He traveled to many cities and countries and was consulted. People from different classes, such as presidents, managers, industrial owners, and business people, were present, and numerous groups participated in his seminars. He spread his thoughts and ideas through the press and weekly television programs.

In 1991, he wrote another book, Towards Success 2 (Activate the Great Power Within). Like the previous book, it was chosen as the best-selling book of the year.

He writes on the back cover of the book Towards Success: “Like other successful people in the world, you can take a step towards success.” You can achieve all your wishes and dreams in life. You can be a better parent, a closer friend, a worthy wife, a more successful business, a more efficient manager, or a more muscular hero. You can speak fluently and instantly connect with people. You can have a healthy and fit body.

You can achieve wealth and happiness with the help of five golden keys. You can eliminate fear, worry, depression, or any undesirable habit. You can be strong-willed, determined, and even safely cross the fire through a threshing floor.”

Mr. Robbins is 56 years old and lives with his wife and children in Delaware, California. Robbins uses various methods to raise the level of his life and that of others. He believes that the thinking and evaluation process is internal questions and answers.

You know that your way of thinking and evaluation (the evaluation itself depends on various factors in the evaluation situation) shapes your feelings and considering that a person, no matter how wise and mature, is based on his feelings and not based on Thought works by itself, so the feeling we have at any moment will shape our behavior and these behaviors and habits, which we may not even realize the extent of their inhibitions, ultimately shape our destiny.

More than 20 volumes of Anthony Robbins’ book have been published.


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