How do we know if we are successful in life or not?

Many people will only focus on their current life and the present time. They have lived too much in the present and forgotten the future. Although they may have a glimpse of the future, they hope that good things will happen to them. But in reality, these dreams don’t always turn into reality!
The path to happiness in the future has signs. And surely, if we go down this wrong path, we will also know the signs. With a little self-assessment and planning, we can ensure success and happiness.

In the following, we will learn about six signs of happiness in the future:

1- Every morning, we go to work with excitement and enthusiasm
If we have trouble waking up every day, maybe it’s because we don’t see any positive future ahead of us. Normally, each of us faces small concerns and worries in a particular project, but if we can remove these worries from ourselves, the challenge of working will disappear. The fewer challenges our happiness faces, the better our future will be. In this transparency, we can see the future clearly and reach our goals with hope and confidence.

2- We enjoy the company of people who are close to us

Are the people around us boring people who get on our nerves and literally drive us crazy? Are these people lost in their own lives and facing many challenges? Colleagues, friends, and those we love should motivate us to work, support us, and involve us in work. If the people around us are dynamic and encouraging, the probability of reaching a brighter future is much higher. Look for people and heroes who motivate and inspire us. We may encounter very rude people occasionally, and if these people are very rude, it’s better to look for new friends!

3- We learn something new every day

If we already know everything, we better prepare ourselves for a boring life! No man can learn everything; this learning process is accompanied by happiness. It is better to learn something new; it doesn’t matter if it is a small and trivial knowledge or the beginning of a complete and specialized course; follow this learning process every day. The results of scientific research have shown that people who are always learning not only live longer but also have happier lives and higher mental abilities. In the meantime, we gain new knowledge, wisdom, and abilities that can be fruitful in our personal and professional lives.

4- We know the right time to say “yes” and “no”.

As Lewis Carroll, the author of the book “Alice in Wonderland” (one of the world’s most successful people) believes, as long as we don’t know where we are going, any path we take will not lead us to our goal. In such a situation, saying “yes” or “no” does not make any difference or bring us closer to the goal and happiness. Therefore, planning for a better future can make it easier to recognize good situations ahead, even in the worst conditions. In this way, we can evaluate ourselves and understand when we were not as prepared as we should be, did not take the right path, or made frequent mistakes. Now, we can take the necessary corrective actions. Decisions and saying “yes” or “no” should be the result of self-knowledge, inner honesty, and fairness.

5- We have an open mind

We have encountered people who are trapped in old ideas and make the lives of others bitter with their behavior and actions. It’s good to know that people who can’t change their ideas will become bitter. Although they can change their way of thinking and choose a more open way, they stubbornly resist change. Remember that having an open mind does not mean unquestioningly accepting the opinions of others. However, we should also be able to consider the possibilities and ideas of others, evaluate them, learn, and apply them if necessary. Such a procedure can lead us to creative solutions that will be a shortcut to success and happiness.

6- We are flexible and adaptable people

Life is much more complicated than most people think. To be successful in our work or social relationships, we need thousands of decisions, lots of energy, and very high flexibility. Usually, the greatest rewards result from persevering in the face of great challenges. To reach this level of success, it is necessary to be able to interact with what life has put in our way. It doesn’t matter what life puts in front of us, be it a shortcut or an obstacle that blocks the way. We should always repeat this sentence to ourselves: “Finally, I will find a way to solve this problem, or I will make it,” and then act on it. Always be faithful to this golden quote from “Winston Churchill” that “never, never, never give up”!

This article is written by Kevin , Inc. columnist. He is an entrepreneur who is among the top 500 companies in America, and the value of his company’s sales and marketing activities has exceeded 1 billion dollars. He also wrote the best-selling book “Video Marketing in Human Language.”
successful people





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