Be lovable and charismatic.

If we want to be a lovable person, we should pay attention to the following points.

Although words like “please” and “thank you” may not be used everywhere, they are very beneficial if we want to have a charismatic personality.

When someone thanks you for something, saying two words, “please,” is much more effective than “don’t talk to me” or “okay,” for example. Loving people are happy to say thank you and respond with their own words. “Real” is the keyword here. Charismatic people give genuine compliments. They do not praise in vain, nor are they flatterers; if someone deserves to be praised, they do not hesitate to say it. They use phrases like “You must be so proud” or “I can imagine how angry you must be,” so they both empathize with other people’s feelings and value them (it’s not a sinister secret to know that people like Others understand them!)

What does charismatic personality mean? A character is said to be a role model for others due to having certain characteristics and can even be an inspiration for them. Charismatic characters, not often found in today’s world, can influence a large crowd with their power and attract them to their side.

Some people only want information because they think it gives them power. Don’t be such a person. Of course, note that friendly people understand that “information” is different from “rumors.” Many of us want to help the society, but we don’t know where to start. The most charismatic people look around for an opportunity to help in the family, the community, and every moment of everyday life (this can be as much as holding the door open for someone behind you). enters).

A good sense of camaraderie can make difficult situations bearable, and humor can even make such situations enjoyable. Very charismatic people in difficult situations utter sentences like this: “It’s okay; it’s the same for all of us,” and then they work together with others to achieve the team’s goals.

Charismatic people remember other people’s names and use them in situations where the use of titles makes people happy. Acquiring titles like “doctor” or “colonel” takes time, So why not use them? They don’t brag, but when faced with challenging situations, especially things that affect other people’s lives, they approach the problem with calmness, curiosity, and self-confidence. The sentences usually heard from their tongues: “Well, let’s see how to solve this problem.”

Do you know what the best thing a person can say to two people at the same time is: “Allow me to introduce you to….” Of course, apparently, these days, we all seek to communicate, but charismatic people are those who, in addition to building their own communication network, also help others get to know more people.

Truly charismatic people are confident in their own opinions but understand that others may have a different point of view and should be able to choose their own path in life. In addition, one of the characteristics of charismatic people is that their leaders are not afraid to give authority and then trust others to achieve what is asked of them.

Just three words: “I believe in you”. These simple words can inspire success. Everyone needs to be acknowledged. At the same time, this confirmation creates affection towards the speaker. Loving people are not afraid when it is their turn to do something, whether fun and happy or difficult and uncomfortable, and they step forward. In other words, although they compliment others or are forgiving, they also remember that it is their turn to pay the dinner bill this time. Very nice people are active and honest listeners.

You can talk to them about your ideas or adventures or ask them for advice, and they will ask questions and give verbal cues to show that they are in the moment and even interested in the topic. Time is the most valuable resource for everyone, but charismatic people are willing to give their time to you.

Charismatic people confidently accept responsibility for their work or mistakes and take control of things that should be under their supervision. We conclude that trustworthy people are very lovable. We love people who stay by our side and make us feel supported.

Do you remember someone who was very supportive in your time of need? Tell me how lovable they seemed to you at that moment.

Loving people are often dreamers, positive and practical people. Robert F. Kennedy described these people best:

“Some people are used to looking at things as they are and asking why. I dream of things that never existed and ask why not.





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