Interview with Brian Tracy

1) Can you tell us a little about yourself and your past?

I started life with a few blessings. I was born into a family in financial trouble, and I dropped out of high school halfway through. At first, I worked as a laborer, and for a while, my car was my only shelter day and night. I always dreamed of traveling.

When I turned 20, I took all my savings and started traveling worldwide. I traveled all over North America, worked on a ship from the Atlantic Ocean to Great Britain during my sea voyage, and then cycled from France to Spain and the Strait of Gibraltar. There, I bought a Land Rover car with two of my friends, and I reached this country by crossing the Great African. During this trip, We gained many experiences and encountered various incidents, all of which played a vital role in the formation of my current philosophy and beliefs about life. Finally, we arrived in Johannesburg (South Africa), and I lived and worked there for almost two years. Then, I returned to London and worked in Germany and England for a while. In 1968, I went on a land trip from London to Singapore, and after passing through European countries, Turkey, India, and Malaysia, I finally arrived in Singapore. Then again, I went to Thailand through Malaysia and worked there for about two years. Since then, I have traveled to many countries in Asia, North America, South America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Africa, reaching more than 80 countries.

I obtained a master’s degree in my 30s at the University of Alberta, and finally, I managed to obtain the distribution and ownership, import, and import of various transactions in the field. Then, I worked as a business major in automobiles, marketing, advertising, training, and consulting. In a company with an initial capital of 265 million dollars, I was elected to the position of head of operations.

1981, I started presenting course materials and organizing seminars in Canada and America. Later, I made these course materials and other topics available to those interested in the form of audio and video educational programs.

In 1986, I moved to the San Diego area of ​​California. Over the past 20 years, I have produced more than 300 audio-visual educational programs, some of which have been translated into more than 24 languages ​​and are used in more than 30 countries. I am the provider of the best and best-selling listening training programs worldwide. The largest companies in America and Europe use my video training programs.

I am the author of more than 40 best-selling books published today by the most famous publishing houses around the world. I am also known as a professional speaker and trainer and address more than 250,000 people annually in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Asia.

2) What experiences or challenges have had the most significant impact on you so far?

Compared to many of my peers, I have gained experience in many places and under very different conditions. Perhaps the most important and constructive experience that can be mentioned was related to my crossing of the Great African when I was no more than 21 years old. It was an arduous journey, and I faced death several times during this journey due to problems such as dehydration and the breakdown of the car we were traveling with. Crossing the great African desert was a great experience and perhaps a turning point.

Throughout these years, I have gained my most essential experiences when I could overcome unusual problems and hardships with determination and patience. Each person possesses two mighty powers of will and patience, which lead to significant success in all stages of life.

3) What are the peaks of your personal and professional life?

I have reached the peak several times. The first peak was the experience gained during the trip from Vancouver in Canada to the entire country and then to the Atlantic, Europe, the Great African , and South Africa. All in all, I traveled a distance of a kilometer. At first, I didn’t know much about what I was doing. I covered more than 27,365 miles. But during the trip, I added to my knowledge. The second great experience was my trip from London to Singapore, where I covered 19,317 kilometers. This trip lasted several months, allowing me to learn about different cultures. To witness their customs and traditions closely. At the age of 24, I knew sales and management principles. At age 25, I started selling on a large scale in a large company with 95 sales employees. This company covered six significant countries worldwide, and I trained 95 of its employees. With each other’s help, we sell our products for millions of dollars monthly. Finally, I started working in the real estate sector, and for 5 years, I built, managed, developed, and sold properties worth more than 50 million dollars. I was personally responsible for importing Suzuki cars into Canada.

We were 65 people who all started from zero, and within two years, the profit from the sale of these cars reached 25 million dollars.

Then, I took over managing a 265-million-dollar design and development company and was able to rebuild that company. So far, I have set up several offices, selected company officials from new and novice people, and completed six important development projects with the benefit of several I have finished a million dollars.

I have finished a million dollars.

In 1979, I got married and started a family. Currently, I have four beautiful children.

This could be considered one of the most significant achievements of my life.

In 1981, I resumed lecturing and teaching. I am now one of the most famous professional speakers worldwide.

4) What things in life are you proud of more than anything else?

My family, wife, and children are the source of my pride.

My eldest daughter is 25 and has just obtained a master’s degree from a famous university in the world. My two sons are 19 and 23, very good young men who are the best in academic and social fields. My youngest daughter, Catherine, is not over 14 years old but a very skilled rider. She is a wonderful girl with an exceptional and unique personality.

Nothing is more important to me than my family. I have a healthy and happy family that is successful in all areas of life. This is the most important thing in my life, and I am proud of it more than anything else.

5) What is your opinion about success in life, and what is your definition of success?

To the extent that you can set goals and fulfill your goals, you are successful.

Success means living the way you like, away from the interference of others.

Success means cultivating all your potential abilities and using them to reach your goals as a wise and mature person. Finally, you are successful to the extent that you can achieve happiness and peace of mind.

When you succeed, the result of your work will be happiness and peace of mind, and by achieving these two important things, you can discover all your potential abilities and develop them completely.





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