The concept of wanting is to be able – Believe part one

Use the verb to be able (to be able, it is enough to want)

The law of attraction says: you attract in return.
We have experienced this, and nearly 99.9% of people have reached a place where they unanimously said, “We wanted it; it happened.” Yes, wanting is 100% getting.

This is the intention. A determination that can move mountains out of the way, make water out of stone, and act as if it is God. Wanting is the same as being able.

It doesn’t matter how big our desire is.

It is we who make a path for our success. It is enough to have “firm intention.” In the sense that we want. It has happened a lot that we have decided to do something, and we have made 20% progress. Still, in the middle of the way, with minor problems (for example, not finding something or administrative or family issues), we have abandoned the work and turned to something else. Later, we saw that another person or persons followed our goal, did it entirely, and achieved great success. The difference here is that they had determination, and we didn’t.

Is wanting to be able to? Do you think bread can’t start a life and order for itself? Can he? Enjoy. Aren’t there shoemakers who used to wax your shoes and mine and now own the biggest shoe companies in the world? Were there not authors and translators whose books and writings were not bought by any publishing house, and now their names are engraved on the front pages of the most prominent newspapers in the world? And such.

You can Only if you want. (law of attraction)

“Wanting does not mean wanting, wishing, and even hoping, but acting.”

“The path of life is not the path of flowers, but the path of thorns, so we must have strong legs to pass through these thorns easily.” Nietzsche


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