What is the law of attraction?

The Law of Attraction says: Life is simple. Your life consists of only two things: positive things and negative things. Every part of your life, be it health, wealth, relationships, work, or happiness, can be positive or negative. Either you have a lot of wealth, or you don’t have a lot of money. Either you are full of health, or you are sick. Are your relationships happy or challenging and at a dead end? Your work is either exciting and successful or unsatisfying and unsuccessful. Either you are full of happiness or don’t feel well most of the time. You either have good or bad years, good times or bad times, or good days or bad days.
If the negative things in your life outweigh the positive things, then something is lame, and you know it. You see other people who are happy and successful and whose lives are full of great and wonderful things, and you feel that you deserve such a life, too. You are right; you deserve a life full of good things.

If you don’t know what the law of attraction is, I must say that you are using the law of attraction even if you don’t know it.

Most people who have a wonderful life don’t know exactly how they achieved it. But they must have done something. They have used the law of attraction, which is the source of all good things in life.

Without exception, everyone who lives a beautiful life has used the Law of Attraction to achieve it.
The great forces of nature, such as gravity and electromagnetism, are not visible to our senses, but their power is unquestionable. The same is true of the law of attraction. The force of the law of attraction is not visible, but its power is much greater than any other natural force. Signs of the law of attraction can be seen everywhere in the world.

The laws of nature govern the universe. We can fly airplanes under aviation, which works harmoniously and is compatible with the laws of nature. The laws of physics have not changed for us to be able to fly, but we have found a way to conform to the laws of nature. Just as the laws of physics govern aviation, electricity, and gravity, the law of attraction governs life. To take possession of the law of positive attraction and change your life, you must understand its law. The most powerful law of the universe, the law of attraction

The Sun’s gravitational pull holds the planets in our solar system, preventing them from being thrown into space. The law of attraction is gravity, which holds you and every person, animal, and thing.

The force of attraction holds together the cells of your body, the materials of your house, and the sofa you sit on. It also keeps the car on the road and the water in the glass.

The law of attraction draws one person to science and another to cooking, and it attracts people to different sports or different styles of music. The law of attraction is what attracts you to friends and those you love.

What exactly is the law of attraction?
The law of attraction proposed here is different from the gravitational force of the earth and the intermolecular force, but it works somewhat similarly to them. The law of attraction is the law of love.

“The law of attraction or love… both are the same.”


The law of attraction is the law of love. It is the absolute and powerful law that keeps everything in harmony and balance, from countless galaxies to atoms. It applies to and affects everything and everything through everything in the universe.

In general, the law of attraction states that everything attracts like. Put another way, the law of attraction states that you get what you give. What you give in life is what you get in life. Due to the law of attraction, you give exactly what you attract to yourself.

“For every action, there is an equal reaction in the opposite direction.”

Isaac Newton – Mathematician and Physicist

Get the law of attraction.

Every act of giving creates the opposite act of receiving, and what you receive is always equal to what you offer. Whatever you give in life must come back to you. The law of attraction is the mathematical and physical law of the universe.

According to the law of attraction, if you give a positive force, you will receive a positive one in response; if you provide an opposing one, you will receive a negative one.

What is the law of attraction? This law says:

Give positive energy and receive a life full of positives in return.

Give negative energy and get a life entire of negativity.

But how do you give positive or negative force? Through your thoughts and feelings!

Give negative energy and get a life entire of negativity.

But how do you give positive or negative force? Through your thoughts and feelings!

You think positively or negatively every moment, and whether your thoughts are positive or negative determines what you will receive in life. All the people, situations, and events that make up your life moment by moment are attracted to you through the thoughts and feelings you express. The events of life do not happen to you just like that, and without any prelude, you get in life according to what you give.

“Give, and it will be given to you…for it will be measured to you with your measure.”


You shape your life with your thoughts and feelings. Whatever you think and feel determines everything that happens to you and what you experience in life. If you think and feel: “Today, I have a difficult and stressful day ahead of me,” you will attract all the people, circumstances, and events that will make your day difficult and stressful.

If you think and feel: “Life is good and pleasant for me.” The law of attraction attracts to you all the people, circumstances, and events that make your life truly pleasant.

The law of attraction gives you the right to choose

The law of attraction gives you, one by one, everything you have in life based on what you offer. Based on your thoughts and feelings, you become a magnet and receive conditions for wealth, health, relationships, and every single event and experience in your life.

Create positive thoughts and feelings about money, and attract positive situations, people, and events that bring you more money. If you have negative thoughts and feelings about money, you will attract negative situations, people, and events that will lead to a lack of funds.

The law of attraction responds to you with the same power you think and feel. This means that you can dream your life by changing your thoughts and feelings and with the help of the law of attraction. Have positive thoughts and feelings, and turn every part of your life into a masterpiece.

Law of attraction and thoughts

Your thoughts are the words you hear and say out loud. When you say to someone, “What a beautiful day, ” first you have this thought in your head, and then you say it.

Thoughts also become beliefs. When you get out of bed in the morning, you must think about getting out before doing such an action. You cannot do anything without thinking beforehand.

Your thoughts determine whether your actions and words are positive or negative. But how do you know if your thoughts are positive or negative?

The Law of Attraction says: “When you think about what you want or like, your thoughts are positive, and when you think about what you don’t want or like, your thoughts are negative.” As simple and as easy.

Whatever you want in life, you want it because you love it. Think about it for a moment. You don’t like what you don’t like, do you? Everyone wants only what they like; No one wants what they don’t like.

According to the law of attraction, nothing is impossible. No matter who you are or what situation you may be facing, using the Law of Attraction can set you free.

Power and the law of attraction

You can change your life because you can think and speak about what you love; therefore, you can bring all the good things into your life! However, your power is much greater than your positive thoughts and words about the things you love because the Law of Attraction reacts to your thoughts and feelings. You have to feel love to be able to take its power!

Your emotions are the trigger.

Thoughts and words without emotions have no power and influence in your life. During the day, many thoughts pass through your mind that do not have much weight and do not count because many thoughts do not evoke solid emotional thoughts inside you. It’s what you feel that matters.

Imagine your thoughts and words as a car and your emotions as gasoline. A car without gasoline is a dead, motionless vehicle that does nothing because gasoline is the force that propels it up. The same goes for your thoughts and words.

Your thoughts and speech are vehicles that cannot do anything without emotions. Your feelings are the power of your thoughts and words! I don’t say this; the law of attraction says it.

If you think, “I can’t stand my boss, ” that thought expresses a strong negative feeling toward your boss. As a result, your relationship with your boss worsens day by day.

Good means good

Most people know what it feels like to feel good and bad, but they don’t realize that they are living with negative emotions most of the time. People think a bad feeling means an intense negative feeling, but the law of attraction does not say that.

If you feel that you are not bad most of the time, you might think that not being bad is a positive feeling because you actually don’t feel bad. If you’ve felt terrible and feel like you’re not bad, then definitely not feeling bad is a lot better than feeling bad. But most of the time, not feeling bad is also harmful.

What is the law of attraction? This law says:

Feeling suitable means feeling good! Good emotions mean you are happy, delighted, excited, enthusiastic, or enthusiastic. When you think you’re correct, regular, or unique, your life will be accurate, regular, or exceptional! Good feelings mean feeling good, and good is what makes a good life.

Important things you need to know about the law of attraction
1- You can attract anything by thinking about it, even if you don’t want them. So be careful of attracting unwanted people.
2- You always experience all good and bad events according to your thoughts. So, to attract good things, you must have positive thoughts in your head.
3- The more you focus on issues, the stronger they become. So try to focus on good and positive things.
4- Trust your feelings instead of overthinking when deciding. In other words, it is better to listen to your heart. Be sure you won’t regret it.
5- Give up limited thinking and believe that success is an unlimited resource. Anyone can be successful, so let go of jealousy because the success of others cannot limit your success.
6- Believe that if others do not have a good relationship with you, only you caused it.

Be sure that by changing your negative views, you can have better relationships with others.

The law of attraction always works. We are the only ones who can decide whether to attract the positive or the negative.





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