Positive energy sentences, the most beautiful sentences of elders

Energetic words from elders
Success is not the key to happiness, but happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, you will be successful.
Herman Kane

Herman Kane is one of the American politicians and essayists who has beautifully expressed the law of attraction.

All the happiness and success that happened to me came from the doors I closed carefully.
Lord Byron

George Gordon Byron, known as Lord Byron, was one of the greatest poets in the history of England. See what a beautiful sentence he said! Before happiness came to him, he did not know where he would express it. They came from unexpected places. That’s why I emphasize so much that it doesn’t matter how. I never knew in advance where I would reach my goals, but I thank the merciful God that I reached many of my goals. I never set a path . Let’s accept that where is our intellect and where is the infinite intelligence of the great Lord of the universe? So, we are not supposed to know everything he knows. We wait and reach our goals with trust and a great feeling.

I cannot tell you the formula for success, but if you want a formula for failure, try to please everyone.

Aesop is a legendary Greek writer. My good friends, not everyone is going to be satisfied with us. Never try this. Only you and your God should be happy. How can everyone agree in a world where there are 100 different styles of clothing? If you don’t like something, ignore it; that thing is there for a person of the same frequency to attract it. If a person dislikes you, don’t feel wrong about him; just let him go.

The secret of success is sticking to the goal in life.

Benjamin Disraeli

Benjamin Disraeli is an English novelist and the only Jewish person to become Prime Minister of England. This sentence is so beautiful and clear that I feel sorry to add anything to it. Thank you, dear Mr. Disraeli.

Be as happy with the success of others as you are with your success.
Christian Larson

Christian Larson: I only know that he is a writer, and I don’t know much about him, but his sentence was so beautiful that it is a pity that he is not here. We made an appointment a few lines above. What was our date? We should only please ourselves and God, but we should be happy with the success of others. This is also for our satisfaction. If we feel good about people’s success, we feel good about success. The subconscious mind does not understand whether you think this way for someone or yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you have experienced a love failure or someone tells you so much about their love failure that you feel it completely.

Sensation = vibration = event

Feeling good about success (no matter others or ourselves) = vibration of success = law of attraction of success

Success is the result of correct diagnosis, which is the result of experience. Experience is also often the result of misdiagnosis.
Anthony Robbins

I’ve said a lot about Anthony Robbins, but I’ll add that he’s the world’s most successful, famous, and sought-after author and motivational speaker. This sentence is one of those that I don’t like adding anything to. With this view, you will feel better when you make mistakes.

If you do not seek success, it will not follow you.
Marva Clines

I don’t know them either. Well, there is no reason for me to know everyone, but his sentence is more like accepting responsibility in life. We must admit that we must go after our goals instead of moaning, cursing, and grumbling (I use this ugly name on purpose so we don’t justify ourselves with different names, such as heartache). As long as we wait for others, this is the case.

Sometimes, people achieve great success simply because they don’t know what they are doing, which is very difficult, if not impossible.
Anthony Robbins

I personally experienced this case in my education work when I was talking to one of the top rankers in the exam. He said that I didn’t know I did a great job before they called me from different places. I said to myself, “When I used to take exams, I would pass +A . Now I have to take all the exams in one day. Now, there is an easier test.”

The secret to success is to make your job one of your hobbies.
Mark Twain

He is also a great writer; in particular, he has an interesting theory in the book The Last Secret of Living Happy, which, in other words, is also found in the Law of Attraction. Job = entertainment = good feeling = positive work vibration = income and job satisfaction

Harmful kindness is the brake of our success. Release your brakes.
Brian Tracy

Every great success results from thousands of small and ordinary efforts that others do not notice and praise.
Brian Tracy


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