The book The Secret, written by Byrne, is taken from the documentary The Secret.

The Secret Book by Byrne is the most famous book on the law of attraction. It is based on the documentary Secret. The book’s validity is enough that it has been translated into 44 languages ​​and sold 21 million copies.

The movie secret caused a lot of noise when it was made. Since then (about ten years), Secret teachers have been invited to all the famous programs, and it has been talked about almost everywhere.

The story of the making of the movie , written by Byrne
A year ago, my life fell apart. I worked myself to death. Suddenly, my father died, and my relationship with my colleagues and loved ones was disturbed. At that time, I didn’t even realize that I would receive a divine gift in my despair.

Because of the situation, I got a glimpse of a unique secret—the secret of life—which was actually a hundred-year-old book that my daughter Haley had given to me. I began to trace the mystery throughout history. It was incredible to me that most people knew about it, even the greatest people in history, like Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison, and Einstein.

I asked myself in disbelief, ” Why doesn’t every single person know about this matter?” I was burning with a desire to share this secret with the people of the world, so I started searching for vital people who knew about it.

Their jobs were found one after another. I had seen the law of magnetism. At the beginning of the research and search, critical experts were attracted to me one after another while I was still alive.

When I discovered one educator, it led to the discovery of the next until it became a chain. In just a few short weeks, I tracked down an age-old secret and discovered the secret’s mentors.

The vision of showing this secret to the world in the form of a film stuck in my mind, and during the next two months, the children of the film and television production team learned this secret. It was essential for each team member to be aware of it because our effort in this field would be impossible without awareness.

That’s why I flew with a firm belief from Australia to the United States, which was the base of most trainers in this field. Seven weeks later, the Secret team filmed fifty-five influential coaches across America, resulting in a 120-hour film.- This is where I say that most of the Secret film was censored, and the most essential thing removed was the Law of Vibration.- Eight months later, the Secret It was on the screen. As the film aired around the world, miraculous stories happened: people wrote to us about healing chronic pain, depression, and all sorts of illnesses, walking for the first time after an accident, or even getting better on their deathbeds.

Using the secret, people could get a house, a life partner, a car, a desired job, a promotion, and a career change. The secret incentivized doctors, patients, universities, schools, sports clubs, religious places, and spiritual centers to share things with their congregations. Parties were held in homes worldwide where people shared information with loved ones and relatives. Mysteries attracted many things, from a feather to tens of millions of dollars. All these events happened a few months after the release of the movie.

My purpose in writing about what happened to me ( Byrne) after discovering The Secret is that there was, and still is, joy in billions of people worldwide. Every day, the Secret team reached the realization of this goal by receiving thousands of letters from people of all ages, races, and nationalities expressing their gratitude for achieving happiness and joy. With this knowledge, there is nothing we cannot do. The secret can give you whatever you want, whoever or wherever you are.

Twenty-four outstanding educators contribute to this book. Their epic was filmed all over America and at different times. However, everyone agrees. This book contains the words of secret teachers and amazing stories of this secret that has come to fruition. I am sharing all the simple tips and shortcuts I have learned so that you can achieve your dream life.

You will see that I have capitalized the word “you” in unique places throughout the book. I want you, the reader, to feel and know that I created this book for you. When I use the word “you,” I mean I am talking directly to you. I intend for you to make a personal connection with the book’s pages because the book of the Secret was created for you.

As you read this book and learn the secret, you will realize how you can do anything you want. You will know your true self and become aware of the true glory that awaits you.

Whatever comes into your life, you attract it to your life, and you attract it through the image of your mind.
Michael Bernard Beckwith

I have watched miracles happen in people’s lives. Financial, healing, physical, spiritual, and communication miracles.
Bob Proctor

What do you think is the reason that only one percent of the world’s population obtains and owns ninety percent of all the money in the world? Do you think this is a coincidence? No, it is designed in this way. They understood something. They found out the secret.

You are the strongest magnet in the world! Your power of attraction is stronger than anything else in the world.

This immeasurable magnetic power emanates from your thoughts.
Bob Proctor

If you can think about anything you want in your mind and make it a dominant thought, you will bring it into your life.

Lisa Nichols

(author and supporter of personal power)

The law of attraction works as well as you think. Whenever you are immersed in thought, the law of attraction is activated. When you think about the past, the law of attraction works. The law of attraction applies when you think about the present and the future. This is an ongoing process. You can’t hit the pause button. The law of attraction is always active, as you think.

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Creation happens continuously. Every time a person has a thought or a long-standing way of thinking, his thoughts are in the process of creation, and some of these thoughts are revealed.

(So ​​whatever you think about it, it will be the image of your life in the future.)

Remember that the law of life is the law of beliefs.

The law of attraction and positive energy is transformative.





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