How to control emotions?

How can we have negative thoughts and feel good?
You can’t. Don’t even try. Emotions accurately reflect the thoughts that are flowing through your brain, whether you are remembering a memory or predicting the future.

How not to feel negative?
Saying you should never feel negative is against the law of attraction. The Law of Attraction states that your emotions will let you know if you want to move away from your desire because of a thought generated by your conscious or subconscious mind.

Our main job is to be aware of emotions and to direct them.

How do we change our feelings?
This whole process can be summed up in one sentence: Consciously change your focus. When someone’s bad behavior upsets you, don’t try to prove to yourself what kind of coward this person is.

You pay attention to something you like. Go water your flowers, watch football, go out with your friends, or even just lie down and remember one of the good memories of the past.

Be careful to do this when your negative emotion is weak.

Anthony Robbins says: “I owe all my success in life to one important ability: the ability to manage emotions.”

Law of Thought attraction
When you focus on a small thought, you feel a little negative or positive, and gradually, the law of attraction starts working, but not by attracting conditions! At first, it only attracts similar thoughts, and these thoughts increase the intensity of feelings more and more, and these stronger feelings, more thoughts, and…

The intensity of your emotions is proportional to the amount of thought you have absorbed through the law of attraction. The longer you focus on what you don’t want, the bigger and bigger the thought becomes. But if you remain sensitive to your feelings and quickly take your attention away from unwanted things, you will gradually feel better and enter favorable attraction.

Emphasis on changing emotions
Do emphatic expressions affect human beliefs?

The words are unimportant; the feeling behind them is more important. The better you feel when you affirm, the purer your vibration will be, and soon, your world will be filled with the things you think through your words.

Words alone do not attract, but when you feel when you speak, your vibration is strong, and the law of attraction must respond to that vibration.

Unintentional admissions hospital
Hospitals are full of people paying for their inappropriate thoughts. They didn’t create disease on purpose, but anyway, they made it with their negative thoughts and expectations, and then they went to the hospital to pay for their thoughts. We see people in terrible relationships simply because they are not acting according to the law of love attraction.

Or those who have to work from morning to night because they do not act according to the law of attraction of wealth. They do things out of compulsion. Things they don’t like. They sell their life for money to enjoy it later, but with which life?

Does the law of attraction work?
Every feeling comes from inside you. When you have a thought in your head that is not in line with your goal, you feel negative. When you do or say something that does not match the vibration of the box you are or what you want, your inner being creates a negative feeling. Similarly, when you speak, think, or act in the direction of your intentions, your inner being creates positive emotions.

Every emotion is either good or bad. There is no neutral feeling. Like a coin that is either lion or line!

We give different names to feelings, Like happiness, love, passion, gratitude, etc., but we should know that our feelings come from a broad perspective and tell us what is happening inside us.


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