How do you program the subconscious mind?

To win any game, you have to follow its rules. It is the same with the subconscious mind; If you obey its laws, you will always be successful.

Laws of the subconscious mind
New programs accepted by the subconscious must be nurtured. Repetition is very important when programming the subconscious mind. Repeat until it accepts the beliefs and issues. Even after accepting the beliefs and issues, this repetition should be done at different times so that these beliefs remain strong.

Adding emotion to an insinuation makes it effective. It is better to say that it cannot be called insinuation until the feeling is accompanied by insinuation. It is a feeling of power that makes many impossible things possible.

present time
This is one of the laws of the subconscious mind that is sometimes misunderstood. The conscious mind has three tenses. Past, present, and future, but the subconscious mind has only one time: present time. The past in the subconscious mind means looking at memories from the present, and the future means predicting events from the present.

Why do emphatic phrases not work?
Considering this law of the unconscious pronoun (present tense), did you notice why many emphatic expressions do not answer and sometimes give the opposite answer?

Consider the phrase I will be healthy. What point does this phrase send to the subconscious mind?

You remember that we said the subconscious mind has no logic. If I say that my income will be 20 million next year, what does that mean? I don’t have this income now. So when we say we will be healthy, the subconscious mind concludes that we are not healthy now.

Correct sentence: I am healthy!
I know this is strange to your logical mind, but please don’t try to speak English in Japanese because Japanese is strange. The language of the unconscious pronoun is weird, but that does not mean that we should talk about it with the language of the unconscious.

How do you program the subconscious mind to follow a specific goal?
The subconscious mind is a goal-seeking computer. Whatever goal is given to it, the subconscious mind goes out of its way to fulfill it. A goal is registered in the subconscious mind when you expect it to happen and consider it a foregone conclusion.

An excellent example of a placebo

Placebos are drugs similar to natural medicines that are filled with ineffective ingredients. These substances are entirely inadequate for the disease in question, but in at least 30% of patients, the results are exactly equal to the results of natural drugs. How can this be explained? Interestingly, the effect of the placebo is significantly increased when the medicinal effect is discussed with the patient for a while because, at that time, there is an expectation.

In 1964, Dr. Stern gave a placebo to a test group and said it would make you feel nauseous.

Then he gave another placebo to the group and said that this pill reduces your stomach activity.

Then he gave the third placebo and said there was another result (why a lie! I don’t remember this case; of course, it does not affect the concept of the topic). They had if the placebos were the same.

The power of belief and expectation
Studies have shown that a patient’s opinions can be significantly influenced by the speech of the doctor and others and the overall expectations of the patient. Of course, other things, apart from talking, also affect the patient’s waiting. It may be funny, but it is a fact that has been proven in experiments.

The big pill is more effective than the tiny pill.

Colored pills are more effective than white pills.

Bitter syrup is more effective than sweet syrup.

The ampoule is more effective than the pill.

The pill will be more effective if it is given by a doctor than if it is given by a nurse.

Wait right here!

Stop reading. Let’s think together!

The big pill is better than the tiny pill. Don’t you think we didn’t expect big things to be more vital as kids?

Didn’t they tell us since childhood that medicine is bitter?

Didn’t we always look at the ampoule as a faster treatment?


Most of our beliefs come from childhood. I just wanted to remind you that the subconscious mind still behaves like a child.

Reverse gear with infinite speed!

You can’t sleep! You can’t sleep no matter how hard you try. The more you try, the more you stay awake. You wore white and new clothes. You all care not to get dirty, but all the city’s people got paid to get your clothes dirty that day. Have you ever been unable to remember the location of a thing or the name of a person, no matter how much you think about it? Then, as soon as your mind goes to the other side, you will remember the person’s place or name.

You can’t sleep. You have to let yourself fall asleep.

Email Coe says:
The power the unconscious mind must use to do something is equal to the energy we spend on the conscious mind, which is the power of two. If we try three units to fall asleep, the subconscious mind must try nine units to make us fall asleep. Of course, this applies to unconscious things like remembering or sleeping.

Unconscious table or abyss
Another example is walking, which is an unconscious thing. I think all the people who don’t have special physical disabilities can easily walk on the table and can you walk on the solid wood placed between the two towers? The unconscious wants to do its work, which is walking, but the conscious interferes with the work.

the solution
There is only one way to divert our minds to something else. I think now we understand why We tell stories to our children at bedtime! Or why do they prescribe for someone who has sleep problems to count sheep? Important discoveries such as gravity came to the minds of scientists when they were not thinking about discoveries. You all must have heard that Archimedes discovered a secret of his law that he had not considered. Of course, he had targeted this case, but the answer came to his mind when he bathed.

Unconscious Hollywood upbringing
So, in cases where the work must be done unconsciously, try to avoid involving too much willpower and consciousness. Another thing about the unconscious is that it is illogical and does not distinguish between dreams and reality. Now imagine that you are eating a lemon. Sour sour! The way it is hard for you to eat. Your mouth is probably salivating now.

This was a simple example, but our main use is something else. We can role-play for the subconscious, and the subconscious will believe. For example, you wake up in the morning and pretend that today is a very good day and the best things are waiting for you. You lift your spirits, and usually, good things happen to you within 72 hours of role-playing.

sleep – unconscious awakening –
Maybe you have heard that old people say to the sick, “Just sleep!” In a state of conscious sleep, the brain is turned off, and the body unconsciously removes the disease by using its regeneration and defense system.

James Herriot gives a good example in one of his books. Harriot says, “I once met a farmer, and at that time, I noticed that one of the farmer’s sheep was suffering. After examining her, I found out that the sheep had an infected uterus. I made a humanitarian move and gave the sheep an injection to make it less painful and, as we say, easy to die, but I told the farmer that I had given vitamins to the sheep.

Weeks later, I saw the farmer again. He thanked me and said, “Thank you. Your vitamin worked. The sheep slept for three days, and when it woke up, it was cured.”

I thought deeply and concluded that every animal, like humans, can heal itself. It just has to be given a chance. The shot had given the sheep three days of pain, fear, and other things that had crippled its immune system, and it had recovered. (This was just a quote from Herriot’s book and is in no way confirmed or denied.)

The giant within works if the conscious mind does not interfere with it.





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